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ok, time to get over last weekend and the additional penalties with radke getting 2 games. who gets in vs bemidji or does miller get 1 game and davidson get 1 game?

i would throw marto in as a forward on the 4th line with martnes and zajac ???

go sioux

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Time to give Forney a shot. Unless they are going to have him apply for a medical redshirt.

i think that point has passed and there is a reason for it. i doubt hes injured but i dont think he recovered from multiple surgeries and obviously hak isnt ready to play him. ya never know but i would bet on davidson and miller

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Apparently got another game DQ from the WCHA for the fight with Test-weasel. (inside info per brianvf)

It's not being ruled as another DQ, but rather, just another game suspension, which is big, because if Kyle gets in another fight, he'll only miss 3 games. I'm sure if it were ruled as a DQ, he'd have to sit 3 or 4 this time. However, I'm sure he won't be allowed to fight anymore this year...similar to Kaip last year.

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ticket info per brad


Ticket availability for remaining regular season games:

Saturday, Feb. 23 -- Bemidji State (3:37) -- Very limited available tickets.

Sunday, Feb. 24 -- Bemidji State (3:37) -- 700 available tickets.

Friday, March 7 -- St. Cloud State (7:37) -- 1,500 available tickets.

Saturday, March 8 -- St. Cloud State (7:37) -- 700 available tickets.

The reason there are so many available tickets for the St. Cloud State series is because the students will be on spring break. So they did not receive tickets for this series in their season-ticket packages.

I've been out of touch... why are the BSU games Sat/Sun matinees instead of Fri/Sat evening games?

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It's not being ruled as another DQ, but rather, just another game suspension, which is big, because if Kyle gets in another fight, he'll only miss 3 games. I'm sure if it were ruled as a DQ, he'd have to sit 3 or 4 this time. However, I'm sure he won't be allowed to fight anymore this year...similar to Kaip last year.

From the Herald article:

McLeod said that the incident between Radke and Testwuide is not considered a game disqualification, though. So if Radke gets another disqualification later this year, it will be considered his second, not third. That would mean an automatic two-game suspension.
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I am unable to attend the Sunday game this weekend, but would really like to see it. Is there anyone out there that would record it for me, so I can watch it later. I have DirecTV so I cant record it myself.

I havent missed a home game since Oct '06 when I attended a family members funeral (but did get to watch it on TV...Loss againt Maine). This sunday my Tiger Cub son has his Blue and Gold banquet. Cant hardly miss that. :lol:

Please reply to this post, or PM me if you can help me out. I live in Thompson, so I'm in the GF area.


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I am unable to attend the Sunday game this weekend, but would really like to see it. Is there anyone out there that would record it for me, so I can watch it later. I have DirecTV so I cant record it myself.

I havent missed a home game since Oct '06 when I attended a family members funeral (but did get to watch it on TV...Loss againt Maine). This sunday my Tiger Cub son has his Blue and Gold banquet. Cant hardly miss that. :lol:

Please reply to this post, or PM me if you can help me out. I live in Thompson, so I'm in the GF area.


Ah, the Blue and Gold Banquet. Can't beat 'em, especially if the leaders make them entertaining and fun.

I was a Cubmaster for years in the Cities, and consequently missed a good chunk of Sioux hockey games.

You have all of your priorities straight here Siouxmama. Your children will only be children, and Tiger Cubs and Cub Scouts, for but a few years, and then they will be grown and gone. Well, maybe gone unless you let them start living in your basement. On the other hand, Sioux hockey will be around forever.

No doubt someone will step up to the plate and record the game for you. I am not in a position to do so, but applaud your commitment to your children over your hockey.

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Aaron deserves at least one start throughout the course of a season. I don't care how much better Phil is, if he actually is that much better. Even if we lose the game, it's not what matters. You have to give the kid a chance when he puts in all this work just to make his teammates better. I hope Aaron gives Brad a run for the starting job next year.

For all the locals, Aaron is actually originally from Grand Forks...another reason to like him that much more! :lol:

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Aaron deserves at least one start throughout the course of a season. I don't care how much better Phil is, if he actually is that much better. Even if we lose the game, it's not what matters. You have to give the kid a chance when he puts in all this work just to make his teammates better. I hope Aaron gives Brad a run for the starting job next year.

For all the locals, Aaron is actually originally from Grand Forks...another reason to like him that much more! :lol:

first it does matter big time if we lost when it comes down to the pairwise but i get your drift and understand your point :lol: second if he starts we will win as well as the boys will do what it takes to get aaron a W without a doubt. cant wait to see what happens. go sioux and go dogz tonight

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I think it's scary to go into the postseason without a backup that has at least started a game. If the Sioux don't get Walski in a game they are a pulled groin or concussion away from attempting to crown the season with a backup who's never started a game in his career.

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