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Everything posted by TrueSioux2000

  1. My reaction when Fighting Hawks wins. #ILoveYouBoeheim
  2. Oh I finally get it! It's like driving anywhere near someone from Massachusetts and calling them a Masshole, because they are the worst drivers I've ever seen! Boston College Massholes has a nice ring, come to think of it Don't worry though, because we'll be the UND Fighting Hawks. I've given up. Lost all hope.
  3. All I ask is that we don't follow the script laid out by the former Native American logo'd schools before us. I have nothing against birds, but as a logo and nickname it's well trodden territory. It's upsetting that people find it ok to go that route as if we're being unique in any way. What sets UND apart from any other bird based school? Literally nothing. At all. But hey it has Fighting in it right?!? MAYBE WE'LL GET FIGHTING SIOUX BACK!!!!! Or not. I had to explain to some students that if we became FS again we'd be kicked out of the NCAA and that would no doubt ruin our athletic program, so I called them out on being UND fans who are really non-UND fans. They got upset. So I said, get bent.
  4. Also the NCAA is not that stupid, stupid yes but not that stupid, and will realize that it's a blatant call back to Fighting Sioux.
  5. Oxbow. Fair enough point. I like to call people who voted based off that non-logo "sheeple" but I say it in a Jesse "The Mind, The Body, The Eternal Spirit" Ventura voice, like "I'm going off the grid to my compound in Mexico because of these sheeple"
  6. Update on my talk with other students, I've heard from more than one person "If roughriders wins, I'm transferring" What?? Then you are no fan of UND in the first place and, hell I'll say it, I don't want you here. Same goes for people who say "I will no longer donate to the school," please, get over yourself. To many people clinging desperately to Fighting Sioux, and yes I agree many students voted for FH because they believed the logo was legit. Apparently no one at this school can do any basic research and believe everything they hear.
  7. Does that make UND Alumni lemmings too?
  8. Winning a National Championship never hurt anything! Honestly, I could live with any of the 3 remaining names. We could be in a much worse position then we find ourselves in today. We could be the Banana Slugs (Chirp chirp UC Santa Cruz), or worse yet...the Golden Gophers . And please, continue with the hashtags, I'm a huge proponent of unnecessary hashtags! #hashtag
  9. Well, speaking as a student, I've tried (Stress "tried") speaking with fellow students, and honestly I can't seem to derail their fascination with Fighting Hawks. From what I gather that they couldn't care less that it's not unique and a s***t load of schools have bird mascots, but I genuinely couldn't tell you why they're voting Fighting Hawks. Beats me. So while I wont be voting for FH, I'd say get used to the sound of University of North Dakota Fighting Bland Awful Hawks. (Please God let me wrong)
  10. Honestly not bad, though idk if this is original or not? Anyway, I like it!
  11. 1) Fighting Hawks is not unique in any way. Sorry, wait it's unique because it has "Fighting" and not a color. Roughriders is extremely unique in collegiate athletics, Nodaks obviously is as well. Fighting Hawks? C'mon we're better than that. 2) Why do we have to wait until November 2? Do people need to prepare themselves and their computers for another vote? Can we just get this thing over with???? Qualtrics could whip up another vote tonight and have it ready for tomorrow because it's their business. It's what they do, literally. 3) If there are 3 choices, I'm assuming they're choosing the name with the most votes, because it's possible not one gets over 50%, right?
  12. I'm just astonished Sundogs got almost 13%. That's the real story here, folks
  13. No reason to change the site name. NCAA ain't got nothin' on us!
  14. The top 1/10th of 1% of my appreciation goes to you, dagies. No but really thanks, I try with my humor!
  15. Nodaks with the #sweep! (How many people on here even get what hashtags are? Am I fighting a losing battle? or....?)
  16. Clearly a result of the Devil's lettuce! Guac-guac-a-mole!
  17. A sneak peak into the minds of the UVM student section ^That's amazing, idc what you say
  18. Irrelevant to the UND game, but I saw pictures of UNO's new arena on USCHO.com and it looks good! Might be a fun place to travel to, especially with that taco cannon (Oh and UConn lost, f***k Uconn.)
  19. Sorry did I hear the Cats were "the better team"????? OHhhh go eat your Ben and Jerry's while skiing down Stowe's (or Okemo's) black diamond, you Vermont bozo
  20. Boy Rinks is exceeding my expectations! Good for him! A hard worker for sure
  21. My good friend is in the UVM student section and I asked her to pronounce Hrynkiw's name...as you probably could guess she couldn't at all
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