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  1. What is this Berry’s third time missing a regional tournament that was held in Fargo? I believe UND also hosted the 2018 tournament in Sioux Falls that Berry missed. Making only 2 of 6 NCAA tournaments that your school hosts is absolutely crazy. What a s*** show.
  2. Montreal fans are just ***holes. I was at a Blackhawks/Canadiens game last year in which Conner Bedard, a Canadian kid, was playing his third NHL game ever and his first time playing in Canada, and the Montreal fans booed him every time he touched the puck. They are like Philadelphia fans, just wimpier.
  3. Those names suck but are surprisingly better than our top three.
  4. Looks like they finally pitched a tent over Brad Berry’s circus…
  5. Back on March 2nd, I thought this was an over the top reaction to winning a conference champion by Berry, especially since he has accomplished this feat multiple times. Also, this is not the standard for UND. Seems even more ridiculous knowing we would finish the season losing 4 out of our next 6 games with the only wins being against Miami who had only won 3 games since the start of November. Our season ended on this night.
  6. Before criticizing Berry, please try walking a mile in his shoes…
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