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  1. Grant Nelson is from Devils Lake. He played 3 seasons for NDSU and then transferred to Alabama before last year. UND reached out to Alabama about getting a game here for him close to home and they got a deal done.
  2. Update - Apparently the whiteout is just referring to the BSU fans. They are wearing throwback white helmets with blue jerseys and white pants. UND will be wearing white jerseys and white pants. Our fans should wear green!
  3. My buddy in Boise tells me the game is a whiteout and Boise State will be wearing white throwbacks. I really hope we wear black (I hate our green jerseys with the white sleeves). About a dozen of us will be there in UND green cheering loud!
  4. Good point. Tweets like that just may help reach certain demographics more quickly.
  5. Paul Lukas from Uni Watch tweeted the article out which will multiply the visibility.
  6. speaking of NODAK trademark.....https://www.grandforksherald.com/opinion/columns/port-und-doesnt-own-the-trademark-for-hugely-popular-nodak-jerseys-but-the-hockey-coachs-daughter-does
  7. This flavor of green jerseys with the white shoulders is hideous. Keep wearing the black ones until they get better green ones.
  8. I was saying this to my buddy at the game. UND hypes itself up so much and there is so much pomp and circumstance. The other team has nothing to lose and the motivation to shut us fans up must be very high. After the game I said "man, I'd love to have the feeling of beating us at one of these games."
  9. Spring of 2021. They just this month launched a standalone streaming app for $19.99 per month allowing people to get the Wild and Timberwolves (in-market) on streaming. The network has still locked itself out of all of the streaming services (Youtube TV, Hulu Live TV, Fubo, Sling, etc)
  10. We still order Popolino's often on Friday pizza night. Rhombus and Up North are higher quality pizza but I love Popolino's.
  11. Yes - I'm sure at the Stapleton show if they could have had 2 or 3 staff at each station they would have. Very unfortunate but we're seeing it everywhere now.
  12. I know this has been brought up ad nauseum after many games and concerts, but the beer/concessions line situation at the Alerus is unacceptable. The Chris Stapleton concert seemed particularly egregious, but a well-attended football game is almost as bad. I'm not even sure what the fix is as the concourses quickly become almost impassable due to all the queueing. It didn't help at Stapleton that (apparently at the request of the artist to avoid empty cans being filled with water and thrown...) every can of beer or seltzer had to be poured into a plastic cup and each station was staffed by one employee. I felt bad for those folks as they were clearly doing their best in a tough situation. Anyway...rant over.
  13. Agreed. But it seems like nobody actually wants to pay teachers more.
  14. Many districts can't get bus drivers for daily school routes let alone activities. It's very unfortunate and I don't see what the solution is.
  15. To be clear, I wasn't questioning his accuracy. I was just curious as I'm not as familiar with that era of jersey. They look awesome.
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