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Everything posted by Kab

  1. If this doesn’t pass people from out of town will still pay, business has to pass on increased costs. those that rent might not be for this tax but if it doesn’t pass rents will need to be raised
  2. Coaching is as bad as I’ve ever seen
  3. He is in charge but at least have the guts to say this is what I am doing and why dont hire a firm to tell him why or ask people to retire and then have those employeesto say they were asked to retire
  4. A good leader shouldn’t be worried about a legacy sounds like Obama , all he was worried about was his legacy you see where that got us
  5. This is just another Bruce Gjovig scenario Bruce retired but was asked to kennedy is nothing but a politician looking out for himself we need a North Dakotan looking out for the university and not themselve
  6. Many small towns are pushing 8% some counties are home rule counties so they impose tax also williams county is one of those everyone wants services but wants the state to pay for things we are the state, I would rather have some local control watch your taxes this year with the state taking the social service budget back from counties and not giving real estate tax buy downs i thInk the state comes out ahead on this one maybe the governor could fund his own projects and not ask for exemptions and buy downs on his projects
  7. Look to the west williston, minot , Jamestown even have funded projects by sales tax for projects that would have been property tax issues for parks, jails and roads. Williston just extended one and their county jail and huge indoor rec center are paid for. Good for them. i wonder how fargo gets interstate overpasses, these should be state paid and not local, I don’t know who pays for these.
  8. Grand forks needs a lot of infrastructure and it won’t get done without sales tax with a sunset look a at south fargo now and the rediculous taxes on property some are trying to sell because of taxes and no one wants to buy because of the special assessments
  9. Does the big ten network share their broadcast the pac 12 wouldn’t for our game with utah midco should charge a lot and share with UND
  10. When they broke huddle once the camera was on Brady and you could see him roll his eyes as he got set and the play ended up being an incomplete pass in the flat i was thinking when I saw him do that he wasn’t happy about the play call
  11. This is on bubba why do you start BH when you know he can’t throw played right into Montana stoping the run i don’t see BH back next year as a QB
  12. Like it or not this is on bubba he recruited these kids and he picks the coaches injuries happen our backups are slow and undersized
  13. Just signed up and checked audience and the game does show up there
  14. So 6’7 will be our tallest starter?
  15. Kab

    2017 Season

    What happened to Bell any playing time or is he hurt
  16. Could be a lot of other causes of non contact injuries, some antibiotics can cause tendons to rupture, some cholesterol medicines harm muscles and tendons who knows what some of the protein powders and other things athletes take do to their bodies
  17. Lighten up north dakota this is the back and forth between the two schools like I said I have many friends that give back to me and you take it light heartedly my car has had many bison on it after we lose in something to them
  18. Is there a comparison to other law schools, to say it sucks I question without seeing other schools exams i have a lot of friends that are ndsu grads, some do give and take with good spirit and others tell me I have to support bison football when they play in the championship gave that wont happen
  19. I guess what you see depends on what school you attended every time I go by grand forks airport and see the und airplanes and helicopters and go by the med school and law school and business and engineering schools it makes me proud to be a UND alum. Then I think 80 miles to the south they are milking cows and slopping hogs
  20. If Kennedy was the best hire in a nation wide search universities are in serious trouble this guy can't make a decision, no less stick with it will he put his finger in the air to see what way the politics blow again
  21. Women's hockey has to go
  22. Kab

    Moo U diaries

    Non of this means jack sqaut head to head is the only thing that matters
  23. Avants wasn't near healthy that one hit he took to the chest was hard altitude too was getting to players alot of times walking back to the bench on substitutions yet jones was yelling at them to run back
  24. Kab

    Moo U diaries

    I am some what skeptical on brescanis support for UND getting in these two conferences he liked it because it helped with the scheduling for basketball my skepticism is that he was in trouble with NDUS, this shows he was willing to collaborate with UND and it showed he could communicate this to the board
  25. Need a leader non that I see team isn't deserving of tournament at this time.
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