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Everything posted by Kab

  1. Will be interesting to see how a hospital comes out on this with reimbursement and what their costs are. Any CAH being reimbursed on cost will still lose money since reimbursement is being paid at 99% of cost and being on sequestration reduction for Medicare patients. CAHS with clinics have lost 60% or more of their volume since this took place, cash flow is terrible.
  2. Does anyone know what the DRG payment for this is, do they even have it in the system yet?
  3. How did you come up with suddenly you know nothing about me
  4. It all comes down to if d says it black,’r says it’s white they can’t come to a shade of gray and get it done anymore back in the day that was done during the day and at night after a beer together things got done im just concerned how much the deficit is going to ballon with this and no plan to pay it back,
  5. Take a dentist, eye Dr. or physical therapist, these are basically shut down because you can’t be that close to people i can see where patients will be getting a rapid test before being worked on in the future is it possible to train dogs to sniff out this virus?
  6. And why would that party push for the $600 its called buying votes
  7. With the Dems throwing in that unemployed will get $600 more than they were making a week I suspect that’s part of the reason, some will stay unemployed as long as they can and then look for work unemployment always used to be less than you were making so it made you want to look for work, not this time around, good employees will go back as soon as they can and good employers will want them back soon this shutdown will hurt for years to come
  8. When you have every state dictating what happens with their institutions I don’t know how any season goes forward state mandates will supersede any conference or NCAA mandates for these institutions
  9. I feel sorry for the people of NY their secretary of health used the race card when Trump said no more travel from China and she told people to go to a parade and be with people they used that card 1 too many times and it’s killing people you never see her on TV anymore im sure other countries brought it in too, not just China here’s hoping this is over soon for them
  10. I believe 16 people die each day in North Dakota we have 4 deaths so far in a month from this if I’m unemployed i would be upset too
  11. Kab

    The Herald

    Need more investigative reporting and less political hack reporting by both sides papers need to be digital with videos no one wants to wait for print tomorrow it’s still nice flipping thru a paper tho
  12. Wishing her the best and hope she coaches here a long time
  13. These production companies will come back stronger after this is over there will be many construction projects being funded by the government
  14. Do you think he will move to d2
  15. I would hope when the vaccine comes out people will be getting this and other vaccines in great numbers those that don’t maybe need to be quarantined when the seasons come around
  16. The FDA approved the use of this today so Drs. Using it wouldn’t be using it as off label. some agree some disagree, if I’m sick I would want to try it
  17. Thought they had cancelled everything earlier
  18. It’s amazing the states that don’t want the feds to do anything normally except send them money and now it’s trumps fault that they aren’t prepared each state is different and it’s best for the governors to run their states they can bitch all they want but when they do a post virus analysis they will have 4 fingers pointing back at them NY is supposedly putting 2 patients on a ventilator while ventilators sit in storage this isn’t trumps fault that’s on Quomo
  19. If the season is cancelled I would assume the next year would be using the 2021 schedule what happens to players’ assume all seniors would get another year that would mean you would have 2 years of freshman coming in that year what happens to all the scholarships what a mess this would be
  20. This may be an opportunity for someone to take over a shaky business i wonder if the new look of a restaurant will take into account the social distancing and not cram everyone in tight spots
  21. What ND companies could adapt to making masks n95 masks ventilators respirators other medical equipment face shields
  22. Thank you for the email and questions. It is always tricky when we are dealing with multiple constituencies (our alums, fans, families and students). Given the support our student body provides to us annually, candidly - we have not discussed moving them from their seating. this was Chaves response when I emailed him about moving the students i guess they figured out the right way forward
  23. Just don’t want half the stadium filled with bison fans
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