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Everything posted by Kab

  1. I’m related to border patrol so don’t give me any of that bull$%!# you aren’t putting your life on the line everyday the only thing you said that’s true is LEGAL immigration congress can change immigration but won’t I hope some of these illegals come live right next to you and you can feed them, educate them and give them medical care , especially ms13 now the democrats want to give them welfare right away, free education and healthcare And not deport any of them i worked all my life to support myself so,they can kiss my behind
  2. I don’t get talking points from any media, I watch the democrats and see what they do, if you think they aren’t for open borders or having felons vote you live somewhere else. im for the rule of law, want to come here do it legally, want to vote, stay out of trouble, want a job go find one. open borders didn’t take legislation, Obama did it by not allowing border patrol to do their job. how do i know this, I talk to them. They told me once Obama was gone the moral in the border patrol went up 1000%. in a 2 week period in Arizona there were over 300 illegals from China picked up trying to get in the country, just what we want with the virus coming from China. how do I know this, it’s called research, something left wing media won’t report on. don't trust my numbers, do the research yourself.
  3. You misunderstand again, I didn’t say Biden would win because illegal voters Left wing trying to put words in our mouths fake news Again if Democrats win they want open borders, for non citizens to vote, for felons to vote why is this, because they would be democrat voters i guess instead of illegal aliens we need to call them undocumented democrats and there you go again calling me names, I’m a citizen and not a cult dude, understand?
  4. As long as it’s citizens but if Biden wins then you will have non citizens voting amazing if you like trump you are in a cult’ if you like Biden you are a citizen do you understand ?
  5. I don’t care if they are union teachers during school just teach in their off time do whatever the hell they want just don’t indoctrinate kids on school time
  6. If the trump supporters are a cult what does that make the Biden supporters ?
  7. Teachers unions in California are demanding Medicare for all
  8. Teacher unions will be part of the problem. election year part of the problem media a big part of the problem politicians are always a problem start school and be careful, we will be fine sports are important but put them where they belong # defund Congress
  9. AOC isn’t old enough to be on the ticket yet where did all the normal people on both sides go # defund Congress
  10. I just can’t stand the thought of a Biden win and what the far left is going to do if he wins hang on to your pocketbook and your AMERICAN rights no borders, no police, non American voting, if you don’t feel like working the government will pay you, free everything # defund Congress
  11. And when congress starts paying attention to the constitution I will listen
  12. # defund congress they aren’t doing anything anyway lets just get rid of them let the states do their own thing
  13. How do natives want their oil to get to market people bitch if it’s by rail people bitch if it’s by highway people bitch if it’s by pipeline People bitch if it’s new wind development people bitch if it’s nuclear
  14. So now players want to be able to set school policies what the hell is next? so you don’t like something and you will boycott or quit the team as a coach I would say there is the door we have school policies and we will follow them, non-athletes have rights too
  15. Serious question so the nfl is going to play the black national anthem at some games i didn’t know they had one, guess that’s my fault what would happen if there was a white national anthem and would they let that be played this is going to far we have one nation for every citizen, one national anthem maybe best to not play anything and just play the damn games
  16. We had an old building tore down, used the old bricks and put the donors name on them and built a donors plaque and the owner got an identical brick actually looked rather nice
  17. Anybody know the price of taking this down i imagine some of,the bricks will be saved for fundraising
  18. If I watch any pro sports this year I will start after any pregame is over and the game has started i see the NBA is going to allow players to put remarks on their jerseys will they allow someone to say police matter?
  19. Revenue for all universities will be down in athletics people don’t have the disposable income to be able to attend these events and some people will not attend due to the virus i think pro sports will suffer worse and companies will cut back on advertising due to many reasons including politics and therefore tv ratings will be way down too
  20. Hanks was called the Scorios I don’t know if that old school still stands or not, located a few miles east of Grenora
  21. With the current police climate a criminal justice department that can develop new curriculum That still maintains police integrity could be a big get for a *university. Grand Forks needs to work with UND to attract students and business New Mayor, new UND president, now is the time to get going and be proud of the city and university
  22. Give appropriate incentives dont give the farm and have no way to pay for infrastructure and schools
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