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Everything posted by Kab

  1. Next year it will be interesting to see what they do with ticket sales for the bison game Should let champions club and UND alumni have first chance at tickets before general ticket sales
  2. Thanks for all you’re doing Keikla was talking to some Canadians that have to go home they were wishing they could stay down here they were worried about driving back thru NY on their way home, I guess they lose their health insurance if they don’t go home
  3. It’s not, that’s my point, the Problem is when states don’t take care of them selves and then blame the feds for not taking care of them
  4. Why is it some states are prepared and some aren’t? so now we hear NY had the chance to buy 16000 ventilators in 2015 and chose not to. you get them 40000 ventilators and who is going to run them how does a state plan for something like this i can’t see where the US can have a stockpile of everything for every state. when this is over there will be hearings until the election on everything trump did wrong, not on what went right
  5. It’s not the checks , it’s all the BS they want to jamb thru. i would rather wait and keep that crap out of here than give in, next again you will have abortion funding in here, this virus must be causing a lot of unwanted pregnancies
  6. Congress needs to start doing things that help what the left wants to jamb in here has nothing to do with fixing the financial problem, in fact it may make it worse, more regulations
  7. The head of Home Depot told Congress to get off their asses and get to work’ he said all this BS is why we need term limits mcfooley is blaming Fox News for telling what crap the democrats are trying to put in this is he a brotheR of don lemon?
  8. Average deaths per day in the US over 7400 deaths today from virus 156
  9. I’m just as interested in knowing the false BS that cnn is putting out there along with msnbs
  10. I’m sure none of the other news outlets have said anything to hang their head in shame don lemon ring a bell
  11. Who is the right pandemic team. please name each one you would replace and by whom would you replace them with
  12. That only leaves the GFH and Sioux sports for answers
  13. Not blaming media for this if we didn’t and don’t have testing how the hell did we confirm the number of positive tests. anyone that depends on government to solve your problems will be waiting a long time from what I hear it was the government bureaucracies that prevented testing to get out earlier I only have one good eye so I guess I know which eye I must have turned.
  14. When a reporter asked trump to rate himself on a 1 to 10 scale for how he is handling this I wish he would have said please rate how you have reported on this in a non biased way Also Biden said he would have had a much better team handling this. most of this team were with Obama too since they are career government employees
  15. Kab

    Spring Ball 2020

    I thought 2 weeks after spring break classes would be held again
  16. Can’t blame him why do all the work and no game time others will follow
  17. What are other summit coaches making
  18. No win situation here no fans and no one is sick fans are mad have fans and someone gets sick the lawsuits start do they have to start taking the temps of all fans now too before entering, I guess we will need new scanners with virus detection when you come in the door
  19. Most times it seems when people are let go it ends up being best for both parties always hard tho does Brewster have family in GF or was he single, always hard on the family
  20. You look at the time those seniors put in for us thanks to them hope they keep doing good things
  21. Well here’s to Florida state or whoever the bison play
  22. Be fun to see who coach brings in for next year point guard and bench
  23. Can’t hit a bull in the ass with a scoop shovel tonight
  24. I’m sure the NCAA will do someth9ng stupid before the tourney is over
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