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Everything posted by Kab

  1. Thanks Sw, I was wondering about being able to watch, hope the feed is good would be nice to have a game sometime where a few more bench players could get some meaningful minutes hopefully that happens soon.
  2. For those of us not in the know who is this DHG you speak of. looking at the posts from both nights I wonder how the posts would be if the results were switched each night, always easier to get that Friday night win, assured of a split that way
  3. Boys will be having their players only meeting maybe they should have the damn meeting before a game
  4. They asked Walter about how excited the coach was when he hit 3s to get us back in the lead. Walter said the coach was talking to him about a couple defensive lapses he had And not the made 3s. thats a coach doing his job, Walters kept us in the game and Brown made some nice drives.
  5. Anybody know what the coach may have said to get the technical
  6. We made two 3s in a row and they took a time out we had 3 timeouts left at the end of the game
  7. This is on the coach i say it every game he is clueless on calling timeouts to stop a run
  8. I would think a lot,of,these bench players will be somewhere else next year 9 point game and you can point to about 4 or 5 possessions that cost the game they make theirs and we piss ours away
  9. Marco is a better shooter than G G takes some crazy shots
  10. This is a winnable game, have 3 solid players, depends on if Brown decides to shoot and depends 0n if the good, the bad or the ugly side of Walters shows up. walters can do some really good things and then the next thing he has 3 crazy fouls. It seems like he just gets in those spots and bad things happen heres hoping for a fast start and a W.
  11. Refs deserve a game misconduct for that call
  12. Another stupid ass turnover and a penalty
  13. I guess if you aren’t a hot goalie it’s your fault
  14. Who had our turnover on the first goal?
  15. I guess coach doesn’t have confidence in our other goalies can the others start a game any worse than this one
  16. Kab

    The Herald

    Same place 99 % of media are, chasing down fake news and reporting it as gospel
  17. Kab

    The Herald

    I read the buy line and if it’s Washington post I usually won’t read it I usually look at the Dickinson press and they seem to cover their local news rather good
  18. Kab

    The Herald

    So much stuff to read online that isn’t behind a paywall I used to buy the Sunday papers to read box scores, now most are online somewhere after the game along with video most small town newspapers news is a week old by the time the paper comes out.
  19. Some head scratchers in this one, put a short defensive player 0n their big, like I said before get Marco some minutes shot selection at times time outs not used to stop a run lets go get the ac on Saturday
  20. Sat her has to learn to call a time out to stop runs these refs suck
  21. Thanks SW for the write ups on the games. does DAE have to sit out any part of this game for being tossed from the last game?
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