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Mama Sue

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Everything posted by Mama Sue

  1. Mama Sue

    Cal Poly gdt

    Fewer penalties on both sides of the ball was a big improvement!
  2. Mama Sue

    Cal Poly gdt

    I love QB sacks....
  3. Mama Sue

    Cal Poly gdt

    Time to change QB.... for the rest of the season.... some bad juju out there on the team... where’s the fire?
  4. Life is simple.... 1) a win 2) no injuries 3) safe travels
  5. So is there a plan or timeline? I see people requesting this but get no other info. It seems to be stalled right now. I am open to someone providing info!
  6. I have listed my thoughts before.... There are many similarities today with where we were with Mussman. There is not an effort the the PII facility. The sponsorship/home game experience has changed.... not for the better. Coaching salaries have been discussed by people who know more than I. The football fundraising has been successful on this site.... not sure about other ways. So I just see us slipping into a dismal black hole and would like that turned around...it is up to admin to do that... AD probably. Bubba coaches he should NOT have to babysit. There needs to be some support for UND football somewhere besides the locker room.
  7. I agree with Ira.... I would be very nervous turning coaches (search and money) over to the alumni assn. and donors... PLUS it is a work-around and not addressing what pa in d employees should be held accountable for.
  8. For the National game.... pre-game the announcers discussed NDSU and their trips to the title game. Then someone corrected them....
  9. Well I support coaches but admin needs to step up with $$$. How can anyone recruit with some other school offering more $$?
  10. must be in the Forum DNA....I read a Forum-owned paper almost daily for area obits... don’t buy it but read it with my 6 am coffee at a restaurant.... very very obvious what communities they favor.... even with local high school sports....a community makes it to state in hockey and nothing in the paper.....so I am not surprised about their negative focus on UND
  11. I agree and no I do not read his column regularly. Maybe he does write often about UND.... it just seemed so... researched? I have done a sports column in our local paper. Currently a recipe column so I respect his research... but a copy of the contract seemed a little overkill. But today, anything to see papers!
  12. Reading the article... that long and in depth ( even Bubba’s contract) makes me wonder what is really happening at JuiceU.... I mean, aren’t they on another run for a natty? Shouldn’t they be promoting the hallowed Bison and not worrying about UND? Something is not being reported.... stir up Sioux stuff and divert attention from the wining Bison? WEIRD!
  13. I donated to the help Bubba campaign... $100 to each of the three funds... I got THREE have written thank yous from alumni staff and football staff, including a hand written thank you from Bubba. I was impressed. Then I got 2 postcards... preprinted on what looked to be UND logos... requesting donations to individual students.... one in nursing (coincidence?) and one who was homeless and living in his car. So what was that? I checked my bank account to make sure I hadn’t signed up for some automatic withdrawal. It is always about money Phase II, coaches salaries, scholarships, etc.
  14. Mama Sue


    non-coaching issues: Community support and sponsorship Attendance, public student family Ambiance in the Alerus Media... or lack of it Phase 2 facility Promotion of our student athletes IMHO
  15. Mama Sue


    This is getting old.......
  16. Mama Sue


    What do people without nuts do???
  17. Mama Sue


    We just need to get better... rather humble....
  18. Mama Sue


    Well even my homemade beef stew and biscuits don’t taste so good after all of this! I may have to go to Walmart in my pajamas...
  19. Mama Sue


    There is a reason he did not.... unknown to all... wonder what the players are saying about him not starting!!!
  20. Mama Sue


    I am almost there with you..... someone higher up the food chain and outside of current coaching has to step in and fix this... whatever this is.
  21. Mama Sue


    You know... the “home” game experience, student seating, sponsors, announcer, etc. all are now pushed way, way back... Time to go back to the basics... I know the teams can practice all week and the plays are perfect.. then things fall apart in the game.... but
  22. Mama Sue


    Quite a vision... sewing in a zipper and listening.... Hope I don’t puke in the dress.... WOW
  23. What is the weather in Idaho? Better than here, right?
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