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Mama Sue

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Everything posted by Mama Sue

  1. Prayers for safe travel for all regardless where and when they leave!
  2. Well in old days there was an awesome announcer who called out, ”Alright Sioux fans on your feet for the third down( both offense and defense??).” And your eyes were glued to the field. Now there is music and the monitors have a flashing g sign “On your feet!” The ambiance has changed. Ditto for no one announcing tackles or runs... the announcer saying a name a certain way with a certain pitch to his voice...”Tackled by Travissssss Oooo’Neil. (R.I.P.) I might be old but a computerized monitor screen does not motivate me! Could improve the experience at the Alerus....
  3. Mama Sue

    2019 Season

    Good points... I trust both of your judgement and understanding.... now go get Idaho!!!
  4. Mama Sue

    2019 Season

    I always thought Sioux football stood for dedication, pride, respect...et al. I agree, if we have players not listening to coaches then the program needs to be looked at.
  5. “jawing back” could be considered in poor taste and certainly disrespect for a coach... if he can “jaw back” as a captain... then anyone on the team can. Glad (and totally support) Bubba for following him and settling it. He grew a pair to do that and hopefully other players will respect him!
  6. https://isubengals.com/roster.aspx?path=football major error... penalty... targeting! now try this link
  7. Don’t call gfhockey that...
  8. We need some testosterone on ST... or something.
  9. Defense needs to get off the bus and come on the field!
  10. Looking good A cardiologist I worked with always said,”Grow a pair!” Looks like several people have this week. Go get ‘em!
  11. Is there a committee working on this??? Seems someone has dropped the ball and NOT coaches!
  12. Well yes... that is some entrance... JuiceU comes out of the helmet... I don’t see us coming out of the mouth of a hawk.... Barry Manilow motivated people with those neon necklaces at a concert I attended... could shut off the lights... cell phone lights... spot lights on the field...there are many options. The team entrance was a little more exciting years ago... rather anemic now... Also, not to criticize but did you see the cheerleader signs? I did not see any but may have missed them... AD: many ways to ramp this up 200%...and not all are expensive!
  13. Sometimes discretion is the better part of valor....after the JuiceU cover up, not sure you should be commenting on this or criticizing our coaches ”Don’t worry about the sliver in your neighbor’s eye when there is a plank in yours.”
  14. Lack of fire can hurt a team.... I sure do not know how or why that happens. I know some teams/classes have it. It does not come from a coach but I think coaching can squelch it. Reading about these new players I was very impressed with their non-football bios... multi-sport and non-athletic accomplishments. Maybe that true freshmen will have that fire in a year or two but I hope it doesn’t get extinguished along the way. Outside of high school athletics.... and even to some degree high school teams, I have always wondered if the parents’ “donations” helped advance players. I see 3 or 4 players of equal talent in a position and one gets totally promoted on and off the field plus in the media. I saw two high school players promoted for DI college positions that were not that great....seriously. I know, for a fact, that the father of one “gifted” the high school coach stuff from his store AND (this is so sad) the announcer/score keeper altered the numbers of the players scoring to give more points to one player....which was caught mid-season. So nothing surprises me about JuiceU and I hope UND is not part of a system that promotes anything but equal play.... can’t say I’ve ever seen anything that makes me think so. But it happens.....
  15. Oh boy... I hope there is another JuiceU Mama to speak out again.....
  16. Many... with no shirts in the cold with S-I-O-U-X on their chests....
  17. Well I don’t get it.....use the best you have.
  18. Just do survey monkey to student attendees at games asking students is important
  19. Wow...is that a misprint? i don’t get it.
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