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smokey the cat

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Everything posted by smokey the cat

  1. Is that even always a way to get suspended there?
  2. FS1 is the only national Fox channel. The rest are regional.
  3. Think bigger not smaller. He could easily lose his scholarship over a $4 cab ride. Hence it is the little things that trip you up.
  4. It is always the little things that trip one up.
  5. I count only NBCSN, ESPNs, FS1, Roots, and CBSCS as national games. Now how many games have the Bison been on now?
  6. "it's more feasible that there was a miscommunication of some sort. It doesn't make sense that Bryn would attempt to skip out on a $4 cab fare". Sounds like excuse making to me. How can you be so unwilling to belive this and so easily believe anything a Bison could do?
  7. Remember people this is all on tape. With the clerk as an eyewitness. He could have paid his $4 dollars but chose not to. He pleas to petty theft. But since he is on a deferment from his April minor he has another problem. Might be some weekend time coming up. So far what Hak has done is the right thing.
  8. Maybe not. But you are making up excuses out of thin air just like a Bison fan does.
  9. Does anything else but nasty personal attacks come from your fingers?
  10. Gee maybe if there was a 24/7 convience store downtown he would not have to gone to the VD on Washington. Oh wait there is a 24/7 VD already downtown. So much for that excuse.
  11. Your next excuse will be? Are you a closet Bison fan?
  12. Didn't come out or wouldn't come out? What was it Dean Wermer said? Drunk and stupid is no way to go through life.
  13. We will end up looking like NDSU real soon.
  14. You can quit defending the undefendable anytime. You are starting to sound like a Bison fan.
  15. ESPN this time. They got to move up from sharing with Pop Warner. Didn't get their prime time Friday night spot that the Bison fans wanted though.
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