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smokey the cat

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Everything posted by smokey the cat

  1. Where did I ever say they were stolen? Where also did I say they were not part of the demo? What I am saying is that either UND should have saved them to sell. Or Berger could donate the proceeds to the athletic department.
  2. If I am not mistaken there are 18 scholarships to be spread out right? Does anyone really know who is on a fullride vs. partial? What I am thinking is someone like Jon Simonson really would not need the financial aid. It is not like his parents could not just write a check for tutition like they did for Dane and Morgan. Or his grandfather.
  3. It was there. Thanks Goon for showing what leads up to goals and not just a short spot on the goal. You ROCK!
  4. Right before the third goal there was almost a goal. Could you put up the almost please. They probably would have showed a replay but they scored instead so the replay went voosh. Thanking in you in advance.
  5. Because it would be the right thing to do. Also if they have such value to auction under state surplus they should have been put up for bid to start with. Also Redneck if anyone else but myself had suggested this you would have been for it.
  6. Why didn't the athletic department keep this stuff instead of throwing it into the salvage rigths? They could have raised some funds with them. Now maybe Berger should do the right thing and donate what he gets back to UND.
  7. Jay. That way he could quite spending tax dollars like a drunken sailor.
  8. Brandon Bochenski is a good example of playing great in the A and not the N. The simple Peter Principle in action.
  9. Sandy's are really good. Welch's Bakery in Park River made great cake donuts. Bakery in Langdon were really good also. I always liked to try cake donuts at little town bakeries. Chicken Scratch Bakery that was in Hillsboro like 10-15 years ago were unreal.
  10. Here is one question that has never been raised in the donut debate. What type of donut is better? Cake donuts or raised donuts? I have to go with cake donuts myself.
  11. I don't drink coffee but I have heard a lot of people like you say that it is the best. Lots of people say it blows Starbucks or any them away. So Oxbow you are not alone in your opinion.
  12. That should be coming back to Minnesota. There use to be a bunch of them up until the 90's. People swear that the have the best coffee. Donuts are ok nothing special. Had some from a place called Dee's in Vegas over Christmas that were really good.
  13. It is just a logical conclussion. When you have had three alcohol related issues in a short time what else is there? I think it might even be school policy but not sure. But thinking back to the party fiasco it would make sense that Hak would require this of him.
  14. I did not think Potulny lolly dogged it back anymore than most. It was at the end of shift.
  15. I looked it up because MafiaMan and someone else was saying how Potulny was lazy on it and I had not seen it for years.
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