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Everything posted by Wildfan

  1. I messed with the previous results last night to bum myself out. Winning 1 of 2 a Canisus would've had us up to either 16 or 18 can't remember, and sweeping would've had us in #12. Canisius has 9 wins, 2 vs Nodak.....
  2. Okay, Were the BTN teams not forced to leave and create the hockey conference by contract once a certain # of B1G programs had hockey? I thought that was the their reasoning
  3. I actually hear about USF more than Augie
  4. The SF Arena is still operable, Premier center is too large for them, but if they ever start any hockey they have a excellent home but would battle Stampede for game nights. The Pentagon is also a facility that could host. Main arena/heritage court is nice and used by tge NBA G League affiliate of the Heat. Sanford could also build facilities.
  5. Don't believe this logic. There are players who have offers from G5 or lower FBS schools that choose FCS as they bieve they have a better chance of winning chamlionships or more playing time. No guarentee if NDSU was G5 with extra schollies that they be any better, more likely to be worse
  6. Also read that Montana scored on a play but officials ruled msu got a TO at last second before snap
  7. Montana fumbled at the 2yd line woth 13 sec left in game
  8. Put olivera in at QB if you don't trust your backup qbs. He atleast had accuracy when he did option pass a few years back. I kid but out a new qb in
  9. Thats right, both the UNDFB360 and Hero Sports podcast said WIU is what you want to win. It stops the comittee from seeing a 5 game W streak and WIU doesn't have a strong resume
  10. WIU can only get to 6 D1 wins i believe
  11. Last update. The Citradel 7 - Alabama 7 Q2 Florida 28 - Idaho 0 Q1
  12. Problem is when i was a student in recent years that all student tickets were sold. Not like students are not buying. 1. Some would buy and then skip for parties etc 2. Alot found their way to areas where they could drink alcohol or to the bars. 3. Others left after a period to go to parties etc. 4. Some would find empty seats throughout the rink and move to those. None of these make it right, just mentioning it.
  13. As far as i know they no longer do this the last few years. I believe it was around 2013 they stopped. Was a section taken away around then? I know some students leave a period in bc parties.......dumb. i know others who want to try to get lower level and discouraged due to the same people skipping class and line jumpers. Others are just to cheap or lazy to walk a few blocks to games.
  14. The regional prices also drop as time goes on as there is a additional 1000+ tickets that become available leading upto the tournament in team alotments. I know UND fans had no problem calling SCSU and BU ticket offices and buying them as they didn't sell alotment
  15. I saw a FCS writer use Big Sky vs MVFC head to head as a reason to say MVFC was much stronger. Also in a sense im glad SDSU wasn't at 3 or 4 loses so far where the argument of their FBS game being canceled didn't come into reasoning
  16. i'm still confused in our staff deciding to pass and not run out the time with the lead.
  17. more than likely the passing killed us. Its nice if we get the big yards to try to ice the game by points, instead of forcing a FG due to no time left, gives them time to pass for TD
  18. Time management is terrible, ussually we run it when we should pay to at times, now we did the opposite.
  19. why do we not just run a normal punt formation? I hate the spread out line, you try to spread out the D, but you allow them to overfill the open gaps.
  20. replay looked closer to that then I thought on initial play.
  21. thought the Defender got his hand in early, but I'm biased just like the announcers
  22. hopefully there are some cases of cramping here as can happen in domes typically being dry and warmer. Thats be hopeful.
  23. If he has a torn ACL, he will continue to have situations where it is extremely painful as it definitely is not healed. If it is torn all the way it will stress the other structures, or atleast that was what I was told when I had a torn ligament in the past.
  24. How was that not possession, he had it, made a football move and it was not moving until after the UND player got his hand in there after the FB move.
  25. It is obvious that #24 for Idaho did not have it when they went to ground then he dug in and stripped it, #91 already had it on the ground.
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