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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. Yeah....I got that that . What I'm trying to say is that the mandate for a helmet (brain) and potentially visor (eyes) are so much more serious than facial and jaw wounds.
  2. Ditto....however the macho thing is your own creation.
  3. Haha read your own post responses. You think you know more than the players themselves.
  4. I fully agree with that stance, you inherently tend to stay away from someone's face more often out of mutual respect. Another reason I like fighting to be allowed (although I hate most staged fights). You don't have guys like rau constantly beaking everyone out on the ice. You have to respect the game and your opponent. You u talk trash you better be ready to back it up. That is why I like guys like Cory Perry. The game polices itself.
  5. Again, as I have mentioned 10 times now, I fully understand the helmet argument. I get it. I also believe you that some old times may say it distracts them to wear a helmet, however a significant head blow is so much worse then taking a shot to the lower part of your face. As to your response that I haven't addressed wearing the full cage for a long period of time.....I have ten times or so. The speed of the NHL ( and chl and college) is such the even impairing your vision slightly can cause damaging effects when someone the size and speed of Milan Lucic comes crashing in on you. These players need to react instantly. Even at the college level (which is SO much slower than the NHL) I believe this would cut down on many of the injuries (check out genoways stance). Full cages impair a decent amount of peripheral vision and impair the vision 90% straight down; itechs are better but still affect your vision straight down and tend to fog up in warmer arenas. If they would create something that took care of those issues I would listen. Again, I'm concerned about the puck carrier. On a side note, I play in a very competitive men's league with former D1 and junior players.....are you saying the reason I play with a half shield is to be macho? Are you kidding me? I wear the half shield because the game is easier and I can see more of the ice not wearing a full mask. I am not telling you my guess or what I think....I am telling you fact.
  6. FYI not wearing a helmet and not covering your jaw are two completely different topics.
  7. That is because the equipment the players use is better....you can't understand this? That was honestly your counter? You need to try harder buddy. Sit down and come up with something better than that absolutely ridiculous statement. If the Sioux team (2013 team) took off their facemasks you would see a higher level of play on average. Ask any real player that actually played at a competitive level. But you can't understand that because you really don't know much about hockey. You just think you do because you've watched the Sioux play for the past 40 years. Sorry to be a dick but all your arguments make no sense.
  8. Ok, then baseball players have to wear cages too....and pitcher must pitch with a helmet and full face mask. What your talking about completely changes the game. Do you understand that you play better without a full face mask? Seriously, the first time I played competitive hockey without a mask I instantly saw things better. My teammates seemed more open. I'm guessing you've never played. Facial injuries in the NHL are no more common than any other injury. Except that barring a broken jaw.....u can usually keep playing.
  9. Fighting ending in hockey may end. I believe it should stay but the amount of staged fights is ridiculous, it gives our game a bad name. I still believe college hockey will go to a 2/3 visor in the next 5-10 years. The more the college game changes away from the NHL the more kids head north. The NHL will never (in my lifetime, I'm 28) wear full visor unless somehow the game changes or the type of facemask changes to allow better vision. There is a reason Crosby went to the jaw protecter only and not a full visor/cage.
  10. Why are you so concerned with a jaw? What about the neck? They have never created a proper neck guard...why aren't you bringing up other parts of the body which aren't covered? Why simply the lower part of one's face? If Crosby would have attempted to catch the puck and broke his hand would you be calling for the NHL to create a mandate on players putting additional padding on their gloves? Or if he took a slapper to the side of the foot...would you be calling for a mandate that all players must wear skate plates no questions asked? Significant blows to the head at high speeds can cause life altering brain damage....a stick or puck to the eye could potentially alter your vision forever thus changing your quality of life. I get the helmet (especially in today's game) and I'm for a grandfather of the visor. But a full facemask is ridiculous....these guys are professionals.
  11. How many players in the NHL come from college? 30-40% max? And of those college players how many went right from college to the NHL full time....10%, maybe? Most of the NHL players have worn half (well 2/3) shield since they were 16. Do you have any idea the kind of jump it is from high school to juniors? Or for that matter college to the NHL? It is night and day. They should be wearing 2/3 visors is college....I believe the creativity would actually be better and the game would be more fun to watch.
  12. Are full body balloons coming next? Or should we just play video games so no one is hurt. Maybe we should only play roller hockey because steel blades are too dangerous. These guys nknow what they're signing up for, as I've told u before full facial shields remove much of your peripheral vision and when combining that with NHL speed there will be way more concussions. I am starting to lean towards grandfathering in visors due to eye damage but the league will stop at that unless the game significantly changes over the next 30 years. FYI the helmet rule has nothing to do with this debate.
  13. I mistakenly gave u a +1 based on the first half of you post, however the use of full shields is ridiculous....it won't happen nor should it. Regarding embellishment I too agree that not much can be done so those of you who can't control yourselves over the topic must chill out. Lemieux was a legend at drawing calls. I definitely hold players that play responsibly that much more up on the totem pole but again, there's not much you can do. It's not like this just started.
  14. I have been wondering the same thing. He's a great guy...and coach.
  15. Can't say you didn't call it Goon :o)
  16. Anyone know what network the USA world game is on? Everything on the net is saying NBCSN but my guide definitely show Indy/horse races during the time slot the game should be on. I have Dish.
  17. Looks like he was on the Midget AA team....I've heard there is a big drop off from AAA to AA. He is young though.
  18. I like it....I still think we're going to be a lot better than people think. Those freshman are all nice players.
  19. Agreed....however my other argument was there used to be way more D1 kids but now hockey is being played everywhere. Either way, I think teams in GF are making a comeback but the state as a whole is getting weaker.
  20. Hahaha, I'm talking about pulling in stars rather than building them. Leddy was still in college when that trade happened (he actually underperformed that year too) so no one new what type of player he was going to be. FYI, Leddy isn't great yet...he has a great D partner. He's solid though. Also, they traded those players (all who were drafted by the Hawks I believe or who came up through Rockord) for additional role players/draft picks so, again, they are not going out and trading all their picks for top end talent....they build it. Are simply disagreeing with me to disagree...you do that a lot. Many NHL fans know that ChiTown has built their team as good/smart as any other team out there. Bam! :o)
  21. Toews for the Selke. He'll have a tough going against Bergeron, he's one of the most underrated players in the NHL.
  22. Casey was an 02 03 grad, yes they are brothers.
  23. Both Moreland bros were not on that team.
  24. 2001 Red River, Early 90's Central squads
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