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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. Weak goal but mattson has to be more aggressive than that
  2. Yeah reminds me if my men's league team....that "leave a man high crap" must have worked in the CCHA
  3. That's because a lot of the players are younger....when these uber talented kids play against other kids they go bonkers. When uber talented kids play against young men...their numbers aren't as good. Although one has to remember some of these uber talent kids playing in the CHL would absolutely light up college hockey as well. That league is littered with 1st round, and potential 1st round, draft picks. D. Toews would have been older when he went there. Also, the depth isn't there in the CHL.....it is a league for prospects to do well in. They are offensively gifted however they may not be as mature...their numbers would take a hit playing against bigger/older players.
  4. Wow, pessimistic aren't we. Power of positive thinking....my new motto this year.
  5. I totally agree...it isn't a sin to start worrying about some players though is it? I was the one defending Gropp because his numbers aren't off the charts so far, even though the hockey community knows this kid will play in the NHL.
  6. From the sounds of it his parents were pushing college super hard. I'm guessing in the back of his mind he wanted to play in Canada all along and he finally got the courage to say that. I'm doubting the NHL scouts will bat an eye at this, from an NHL GM's standpoint it may be better (for them) for the kid to get into their system where they can have more control. If I was a parent of the kid, I would like them to go the college route in case hockey doesn't work out (as is the case many times; the teams could care less about those kids who don't pan out). Overall makes sense, I simply like when we pluck those Canadian kids after the CHL has plucked so many of our US boys over the past 5 years or so.
  7. Lucky. I'll be at Joe Sensors with some ND buddies. Should be a great time. Hopefully the boys come to play....I'm pumped already.
  8. yeah I know what you meant. I played against Brodzinski in this past summer's Walleye Chop tourney in the Cities...he does have an absolute bomb.
  9. What? What was I wrong about? You provided a pretty small sample there. Haha, don't get feisty.
  10. I think O'Donnell looks a lot better. He should have had better numbers playing with Knight and Kristo. I don't think he played with them a lot though. Also, he's looking a little better this year. Not going to comment on Mitch.
  11. Who were his linemates? If that's Brody's numbers you were showing that would be funny...he got to play with leblanc. Go check out setiguchi and cheechoo while they played with thorton....great passers create goal scorers.
  12. I agree...regarding tri city, I saw that. As mentioned before, I shouldn't have included Austin in my comment. Rowe, voltin and Wilkie have all played numerous USHL games with subpar numbers. Wilkie is the only one I think will end up with a "plus" offensive upside. We'll see though.
  13. Are you referring to the barber line? I wouldn't say they are as good as malones line yet.
  14. That would have been too smart of a decision.
  15. My thinking exactly. Especially since we have some crafty forwards and a solid goalie.
  16. Not saying your wrong...more for discussion, tell me one player who had poor junior numbers that went on to excel at und.
  17. We have disagreed a tad the the defensemen in past weeks but Miami may expose our youth . As far as Mark goes, you couldn't be more right, my buddies and I have been saying this every game. Mark is so good, I think if you put Chyzk on that line it would be such an improvement. I believe Mark will be a solid NHLer.
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