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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. Still looking for one ticket....will spend $15 - $20 for any ticket.
  2. I'm not calling for hak's job but if you cannot see the benefits not only the arena brings but also the programs history and workout facilities you're blind. Sorry I tried to say that in the nicest way possible
  3. I lived in GF I remember some rumors about how blais truly wanted Johnson to take the reins but somehow something fell through the cracks.
  4. I would like these teams simply to play well before Christmas. I would also like them to work hard before Christmas. Neither has happened over the past 2-3 years. As many coaches say, "they are going through the motions" and it is very obviously. Many people on here were super happy they ripped off 59 shots last Saturday, I was more concerned with the fact they still could not score while also letting up a 3rd period lead to lose and tie to a team that is unranked. There is something a tad different with this team than in years past. Hopefully it is simply the injury bug.
  5. One hockey coach I'd like to see win an NCAA title before he leaves: Dave Hakstol of UND.
  6. I need one ticket for Friday night's game. I am looking for the cheapest ticket possible as I simply need to get a buddy in the door. We already have lower bowl seats available to sit in I simply need to get him in the door. Message me if anyone is looking to get some cash for one of their un-used tickets.
  7. Haha no doubt. FYI, Bleacher Report is a joke. PB is top 10....and I stand by that.
  8. Also very true. I am having a hard time figuring him out. When I watch him he appears to be the best player on the ice most of the time, or at least the hardest working/skilled player on the ice. One thing I have been saying about him for quite some time is that he takes some pretty risky chances (the exact reason he was sat at the WJCs). Also, at first glance his shot appears good but I am starting to doubt that or else he would have more goals by now through two seasons (yes, we have a relatively large sample size). I think he should switch his style of play to become more of a disher. Use that uber burst to create space and move the puck to the soft spots rather than going to the hole. With how he handles the puck in the O-zone he could have 2 assists per game. Maybe put O'Donnell on his line. I don't know, just my thoughts from watching him the past two years.
  9. Completely agree with this statement, please people do not compare Rocco to Brock Nelson. He is like one year older and plays on a line with John Taveras.
  10. I was simply looking for the last time we weren't ranked. I knew it was sometime in the last 3-5 year (fully knowing those teams came back and had average to above average years). No need for the 3rd sentence.
  11. ....and we're not ranked. When was the last time we weren't ranked?
  12. Completely agree. I know what the WHL is about. He went there to showcase his skill and inflate his numbers by playing with Barzal. That is definitely not happening. Tough league though.
  13. Well I will be the first to say that I (think I) was wrong about Gropp....his numbers so far in the Dub are absolutely terrible.
  14. What I meant was it doesn't really matter how good we looked on Saturday night for 2/3's of the game. All that matters is they blew their lead at the end of the game. Same theme here so far the entire season (actually it started last year). This team cannot play with a lead whatsoever, 0 consistency. Hopefully that changes this weekend.
  15. Overall another disappointing weekend…this weekend should actually be the season low. This team is getting worse and worse each week.
  16. Doesn't really matter if they played better tonight….BU takes a win and a tie, they win in my book.
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