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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. Ha, good call. Unreal goal though.
  2. So nobody though John G's goal today was down-right awesome....tough crowd.
  3. Haha, I've seen that before. Wow does Malkin get undressed though. They need to do the same thing for Ovi....he has 1-2 every game.
  4. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nhl-puck-daddy/johnny-gaudreau-scores-sick-goal-of-the-year-candidate-vs--germany-in-worlds--video-140059523.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter Wow!
  5. Canadians pre game entertainment is legit.
  6. Und didn't have a club team? I lived there almost my entire life and never realized that.
  7. The kings are scary. I know they were a six seed or something but they are so much better in the playoffs than the regular season. I think there was a 4x4 last night where doughty, kopitar, gaborik and muzzin were on the ice at the same time and dominated....then they showed the bench quickly and I realized how deep that team is. CHI is going to have a battle in front if them. I think that series is going 7.
  8. Neither do I. Too tough to monitor, however, with how this world is shaping up nothing surprises me anymore.
  9. Well, the first sentence was correct.
  10. I have the kings tonight. 4-3.
  11. Yeah we'll see. He may be getting a jumpstart on his schooling. I would be slightly shocked if he was the player they decided to bring in. However, I'm not sure whoelse they could bring (not knowing Gersich's school situation). I got on Wilkie early last year because his numbers were not impressive at all, then he went on tear towards the middle of the year. He finally cooled off towards the end of the year. I really do think another year of juniors would help him a lot.
  12. Why is everyone so focused on the face. Many of you are imagining that type of (infrequent) injury happening to themselves I think. These guys don't show up to a normal 8-5 job. They are hockey players. Why not focus on cut resistant jerseys to protect critical ligaments. Maybe they should ban skate blades? Maybe they should mandate a new helmet that all players have to wear that better protects for concussions, it seems that is the injury causing the long term damage.
  13. You're probably right. Because it's "he said she said" no one truly know exactly what happened besides the little girl and the bullies. My initial point was that the parents messed up by throwing their daughter on FB and it going viral. She will forever be "that girl". I feel bad for her.
  14. Dave, you have never played hockey.
  15. I kind of like oilers as well. Has meaning, isn't owned by 100 other schools. Hmmm.
  16. I more than agree with with you.
  17. Saw this on fb....I swear some people aren't busy enough. I was just reading through the fb post and people are debating this vs that and I'm thinkng to myself, what is this world coming to? I swear, this country is more racially charged than any other time in my life (born in '84). Every other day it's race this and race that. I just can't remember a time in my life where the race card had been pulled more. People want chance, but this is making it worse. Those kids weren't trying to be racist.
  18. Where do you think I got that info
  19. Agree 100%, I remember Schroeder in HS....wow! His tenure at MN was pretty vanilla.
  20. They're both a lot....compared to the average NHL defensemen. Suter sure did get a nice contract, timing is everything. FYI, Seabrook has a salary of $5M this year (cap hit of $5.8M) and Suter has $12M this year ($7.54M cap hit).
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