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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. I haven't seen a team lose leads like this in quite some time. Total meltdowns.
  2. I completely agree with you. I was simply noting the CHL coaches have very deep resumes themselves. Cirella in SSM must be well respected by nhl GM too, correct? I would think he knows a thing or two about playing in the show. Im guessing guys like that may be able to pass along some meaningful knowledge....don't ya think?
  3. That's another thing many college hockey fans (including myself for quite a long time) don't fully understand. Many times the coaches/gms for these CHL team have very deep resumes. Most played in the nhl for quite a long time. Berry is solid but the CHL has quite a few berrys. Dale hunter is the coach in London, I think I just saw that Scott walker was the coach of Guelph (could be wrong about that however).
  4. Potentially, problem is the nhl had a financial interest in the CHL and they have much more leverage in their draftees if they go the CHL route. From the NCAA perspective, it's an uphill battle.
  5. Well, I guess you don't do anything.
  6. Mtl tendy makes one of the greatest saves of this post season....3 minutes later he lets in the worst. Funny game.
  7. Great mindset. However, when trying to think about it from an unbiased point of view, the CHL would probably help a guy like him. He needs major work on his offensive game, his size is not the problem. similar to that mccaron (wmu) guy from last year. I hate that he came out and said it though. I'm guessing the fact he has to wait another year has something to do with this.
  8. You are most likely right. Your comment was kind of aggressive though...still mad that the Bruins crapped the bed against a pretty weak MTL team?
  9. True...other than the first shift I never noticed him. Crawford's numbers look about as bad as a goalie's numbers can look the past 3 games, however, it has been the guys in front of him letting him down.
  10. This doesn't look like the hawks. Kings are capitalizing on every chance. Q might have to consider pulling Crawford. 3 goals on 4 shots.
  11. Completely agree however it is so tough to win back to back cups. The seasons are so long. Hopefully the hawks can sneak one out tomorrow and then take the first game back in Chi. The way they have been losing leads is somewhat odd though.
  12. Haha I thought it was awesome. Even the players were peeking over to watch.
  13. Not going to blame Crawford on that one, that was a bomb from the top of the circle although he was a tad out of position. Wild fans dump their goalie under the bus on those.
  14. Wilbon wasn't overly concerned....everyone else will follow suit.
  15. I'd be blown away if the Wild signed some huge contract for an older goalie...they saw what happened to the Blues. The reason the Wild lost to CHI had nothing to do with their goalie or forwards. There were some defensive breakdowns by some of their forwards but I felt their biggest weakness was the defensive core as a whole. Had Crawford not stood on his head for a few of those games the Wild would have made it through, in my opinion. They need to trade away some of their younger prospects (not their key ones) and try to pick up a good 2-way defensemen so everything does not fall on Suter. Then they try and lock up Kesler or Statsny....someone who actually can play on both sides of the ice.
  16. Couple poor calls and some bad luck. That's why we play till 4.
  17. Hockey is doing better than it ever has. Why don't you just watch lacrosse?
  18. Just sent that to a Caps fan co-worker. We had a laugh. He noted Ovi pulls that like once per week. In looking at his +\- from last year those plays shouldn't be unusual.
  19. Now that was great....one hand on the stick, no knee bend. That was very "men's league". Funny.
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