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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. Agreed, I too thought a two minute penalty was fine there. One thing, you have to consider the type of player each is as well as their prior history. PB is a legend, while Cooke is a mess. Just my thoughts.
  2. The higher and higher you move up the quicker you need to think and react. The reduction in vision is defintley real. I wear a half shield to protect my eyes, two nights ago I had to remove it because it was too foggy. I hadn't played hockey without a half shield for a very long time, 10 years or so. I was blown away how much better I was able to see the ice....and that's without a clear half shield. Believe me there is a significant difference when make these adjustments. I say let the players, coaches, etc weigh in on this. Unless you've actually played the game at a reasonably high level, it's a tough subject to speak on.
  3. It's all related to ones vision.....that is more important than scrapes and bruises
  4. Nice little habs meltdown.....pretty entertaining.
  5. Am I missing something here....we could have used Brock that year.
  6. Having a more experienced Rocco on a more experienced Sioux team would help greatly.....from a depth perspective. That depth would greatly help our natty aspirations.
  7. I agree, I think he will most likely sign. I am indifferent as to whether he is ready to play pro hockey. The AHL is a very tough league, the nhl is a whole different monster. Most likely, Rocco will have a very productive career in Europe. That is not a knock, I have friends who play in Europe and make a very nice living financially.
  8. They have already mandated half shields for incoming players. Full masks, given they are designed similar to how they look today, will never be mandated. I could see someone developing something that protects the face while also not limiting a players downward and peripheral vision.
  9. You have your opinion, but from the guys I play with you would be in the minority. These injuries simply do not happen as often as people think. I saw way more injuries simply from blocking shots than orbital fractures. However, I honestly do not think this rule will ever pass.
  10. Agreed...once you are 18 the mask goes away. Many of these players go on to play (very) low level hockey for at least a few years. In none of these leagues do you wear a mask. In every Int'l competition they take the masks off....it simply makes little sense.
  11. No I am not...I am saying the punishment (by Hak) should be drastically less when compared to a more severe crime (extremely similar to the court system).
  12. I'm not saying what they did was ok and you are taking it to a whole different level. Even the law categorizes crimes differently. I am not even saying they shouldn't get skated. I'm saying this is not a big deal so people like us don't even need to be talking about it. These guys shouldn't miss anytime. They should get a warning.
  13. I know but not only are they kids, these charges are so minor (literally ). I think they are making a big deal out of nothing....there are no Aaron Hernendez's on this team. The local media simply has nothing else to write about. I mean, they didn't get caught stealing crab legs or anything.
  14. Wouldn't those injuries be covered in their parent's health insurance? These are hockey players...I'm guessing they did not come from lower class families. Also, many people act like these injures are occuring all the time. I have used a half shield for the past 11 years and have one cut on my lip. Many times the players don't end up going to the doc for cuts. Only critical injuries would require you to see a doc....and those injuries are extremely infrequent.
  15. http://www.uscho.com/2014/04/28/overtime-visors-among-topics-for-rules-committee-in-naples-meetings/ I sure hope college hockey wakes up and implements the 3/4th visor rule like the rest of the world. Everyone actually IN the game (coaches, players, etc.) are for it.
  16. Agreed, two of my buddies went and played for the Goofs, my friends and I would head down to the Cities all the time and party with them. Believe me, these guys party and they have great benefits due to their "hockey player status". I was actually partying in Blarney's the year before they all got busted (yes, I was underage as well). This college and we're dealing with kids that are doing the same things we all did.
  17. To me...this is a non-issue. Boys will be boys...they got minors, who cares. We all did. If it is true they tried to bolt, I still don't care as we all tried to bolt when the police showed up to a party. Again, this is a laugher as what else to the GFPD have to do, seriously. I bet this made the front page of the Herald didn't it? Now if one of the was blasted at the wheel, got into an accident and hurt somebody....entirely different deal.
  18. Offseason...go figure. Is it me or are the gf police really cracking down the past 10-15 years. When I was in high school the und hockey team partied real hard....especially the Canadian guys. When police showed up at the hockey house they never got in trouble.
  19. This kid was real good, awesome skater. Does anyone know if this was the kid that pulled the full speed spin o rama in the the title game (could have been the semi game too)? I've been trying to find it on YouTube.
  20. I was...he put up good numbers this year, could have been the line he was on. Thanks for posting.
  21. Very true....every squirrel finds a nut once in awhile. Guy is frustrating though....highest paid 4th liner in the league. Minny is going to fill that cap reduction nicely this offseason.
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