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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. I wasn't pleased with Leddy but he is an alright prospect. Also, CHI has a Norris winner who will win another one. Seabrook who is very very good and one of the best defensive defensive pairings is the league in NJ and Oduya. That's stacked.
  2. We'll have to agree to disagree. I have watched them all playoffs long. McDonaugh is awesome, but Keith covers him. I think seabrook is as good as McDonaugh. I think Hjallmersson is better than the rest of them. By no means is that a knock in the Rangers.
  3. McDonaugh is a stud, but you honestly think the rangers d core stacks up (top to bottom) with CHI? I, for one, don't think it's close. But they are good, I never said they weren't .
  4. It's hockey, the Rangers definitely have a shot.....a very small one though . Kopitar's line will shut down the St. Louis line easy. The Ranger's D core also isn't anywhere near CHI's. It will be tough for the Rangers but they do have a shot.
  5. I completely agree with you on the Seth Jones comment. I also appreciated how he handled the situation. The difference is probably that Seth Jones was a lotto pick where every team in US and Canada will hold their breath for him. I don't think UND would hold their breath for Mantha. Had he not committed last year....they simply would have found some other kid. Mantha doesn't have that kind of pull.
  6. Oh I don't disagree with that....he isn't an NHL defensemen obviously. So the net difference (in $) is $900K going by what MM just posted. So you are right, CHI got an NHL defensemen (that greatly needs to learn to play in his own zone) and gained $900K in $. I take back my initial post. I was wrong. I wouldn't go as far and say that was the worst deal Fletch has ever made....and it's not even close (which was my point). Leddy simply isn't that good (yet). He can improve though. His skating is very good.
  7. Oh....I just hockdb'd barker....he had a 40 pt season the year before and was still young at the time of the trade. It was a bad trade but I don't think anyone (other than maybe CHI) knew that Barker was going to be a bust. What was that KJ contract amount? For that year?
  8. Oh I remember now....it was Kim Johnnson's terrible contract. Also, hindsite is 20/20. Barker was a high draft pick who had a decent season before the trade (or it was the year before the trade). He also wasn't old. CHI must have saw something though.
  9. Have you ever looked up the actual trade? It wasn't simply Leddy for Barker....that moved unloaded tons of salary cap. CHI took on someone's terrible cap hit. I cannot remember who that was again.
  10. He looked lost....not just because that puck hit him, but all playoffs long. If it were not for his ridiculous skating ability he would be in the E.
  11. Wow, I never knew that. That is impressive. He also has a bunch of ot winners too.
  12. We're fortunate enough that we'll get to find out. It's been an extremely entertaining series.
  13. Ok you win . Odd my jaw clicks too, both sides. No headaches though. You noted they weren't playing hockey, what were they doing? Maybe a helmet a full cage would have helped them
  14. A full cage may not have protected him from that injury, as I noted in my post I broke my jaw in high school on a similar play....wearing a full mask. You do realize the contraption was wearing provides way more jaw protection than a typical full mask don't you? I do see where you are coming from however these guys don't have your typical 8-5 job, I don't think they care if they lose teeth as long as they can produce and extend their careers. I also don't agree that cuts and broken jaws drastically change a players quality of life. I broke mine and I can't even tell i did. Loss of eyesight or significant head trauma would alter ones quality of life. The players have great medical coverage and make good money....they'll be ok. Any alteration of vision can cause problems playing at the speed in which they do....that's how you get concussions, which seem to be the bigger/'more costly issue for the NHL.
  15. I still think many of the "pro face mask people" think these injuries happen at an alarming rate....they don't. Facial injuries rarely cause a player to miss time. Stepan just broke his jaw and he only missed one game (fyi I broke my jaw on the same type of hit and I was wearing a full mask). I also don't get when people start comparing the implementation of mandatory full cages to that of either helmets or visors for that matter. Two completely differenty things. Regarding helmets, in today's game you have to wear helmets. We would have seen at least one death by now had that rule not gone into place...they also do not affect your vision. That comparison is out. I am also in favor of the visor rule. Although they defintely affect your vision, you can still have much better peripheral vision vs a full mask. Also, you still have your downward vision which you basically don't with cages (you have to tilt your head downward to see the puck). A serious blow to the head (without a helmet) or a significant blow to your eyes (without a visor) will change your quality of life. Cuts to your cheeks and jaw will not. Should basketball players be forced to wear those facemasks? MLB players wear visors like they do in Little League? Boxers/MMA fighters be forced to wear more facial gear? Maybe we should force the game of hockey to only be played on rollarblades because the blades are very dangerous. Obviously some of these ideas are ridiculous but I say let the players make the choice...as they did collectively with the visors. End of rant.
  16. Everything you wrote I agree with. FYI, full cages are not allowed in the NHL unless you have medical clearance. But to your point, if the players themselves wanted more protection the outcry would eventually be strong enough to wear they would push a rule change through.
  17. Haha I was thinking the same thing, I wanted to discredit the entire article until there was some stats. I would like to see an audit of those numbers though.
  18. It's from college hockey inc, however interesting. Numbers don't lie.
  19. Very true. His team isn't helping him but his numbers the past 4 games are beyond awful. I don't think he's hurt though. For how mad he's getting I think he's got head games going on.
  20. I am no pk expert but doesn't CHI PKers look like they are standing still? It seems to me they need to attack more.
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