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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. This game they generated offense…a ton of it! They just can’t score. I dont know what was going on.
  2. That felt like a loss to everyone (including the players that played).
  3. Somethings off with these guys. And…they don’t understand how to play 3x3. Do they not watch NHL puck?
  4. He had 4 pts in 29 games. It may have only been a last ditch look to see if he had anything.
  5. At least. Unless you’re putting up video game numbers, no point in leaving for the pros that early. He’s still only 25 years old. As my uncle used to always say, if you can’t have a beer at the bar after practice with the fellas…stay in school.
  6. T Jost put on waivers. Tough to see how his pro career has went along. He is the definition of a player that left college hockey (way) too early.
  7. K McCinnis to the AJHL. Great for his development, USHL seemed to be a bit much for him. He’s young though. Also coming off a bad injury last year. It’s his draft year so heading north and having some success is huge for him.
  8. He’ll be back with a school next season. I’ve always heard good things about him.
  9. Looks like Spicer hopped on with Youngstown. Sounds like his deal was one particular incident…not necessarily flunking all his classes.
  10. Major Junior is still a good route, you get 4 year of schooling covered when you’re done with hockey. But how many actually go back? Tough to finish that much schooling. NCAA path is the much better path. For both blue chips and everyone else.
  11. I can’t think of anyone exceeding expectations…most are doing fine. There are a couple that seem to be struggling at the junior level again.
  12. Looks like C Spicer is academically ineligible the second half of the year. No idea how you get yourself in that type of situation. There has to be more to the story. WHL id guess. Flunking out of UMD, especially as a hockey player, you’d almost have to try to flunk out. Impressive really.
  13. Yep, he’s really good. Small though.
  14. I’ve heard the name before but don’t know much about him.
  15. Yep we need him. We do have nice young PP QBs on the current roster and coming in next year. But…the more puck movers the better.
  16. Jacob Kvasnicka to the goofs…nice get by the rodents
  17. They pulled one of his assists yesterday…his was was 9. All in all however, great showing for him. I really hope he gets drafted. Top round talent, but he’s as small as they come.
  18. Super tough decision for an undersized skilled dman. Nodak plays a more conservative style…DU is more wagon wheel. Both have positives/negatives.
  19. The goalie position is weird. Hampton also plays for a stacked Fargo team. But…he looks good.
  20. Time will tell…Hampton looks great. It’ll be tough sledding at NMU…not worst thing for a tendy however. We’ll see if he ends up there given his recent trajectory.
  21. Right, it’s almost certainly not going to happen. He’s been fairly productive over 4 years (currently a click lower than I expected). But I have multiple buddies who played overseas and they all said their funnest hockey was college. Especially when bouncing overseas. I guess my point was that he would be able to potentially spin a masters degree out the deal with scholarship $. Decent to fall back on once the euro tour is over.
  22. Unpopular opinion I’m sure…but if I’m Gaber I think I’m coming back for a 5th year. Unless they win the natty this year.
  23. Exactly like Gaber last year. Our top is a bit too inconsistent right now. Production is lacking.
  24. Boys need to shoot the damn puck
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