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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. The team jost played on was juiced and was high scoring. The vees team this past year was balanced and played tough D.
  2. Definitely a potential blue chip.
  3. Not this upcoming year but next.
  4. Just call them what you want.
  5. Wilkie was tied in goal scoring
  6. Exactly blue chips, second rounders, third rounders whatever. Just get them to commit in piles im fine with the league leaders in ushl and bc (they’ll go late)...just get skilled kids. Top 5-10 in the ushl....where are they going?
  7. When is the last time we had any? Mismash...and? However I’ll have to disagree with you. Mismash was solid last year. Elite? No. But he was solid.
  8. It’s always been that way. I’ve been following college hockey for well over 20 years. You are correct 6-8...there’s 6-8 blue chips a year. Feel free to call them whatever you want if it makes you feel better.
  9. Penn state? Dang I was hoping for a bigger game than that.
  10. Haha...blue chips have always been first rounders....that’s just the way it is. I never created the term. And to spin this around, certain posters can’t loosen the blue chip term simply to say we have some. Haha. Doesn’t mean second to third rounders aren’t absolutely phenomenal to have. I would love a team full of 2-3 round guys. I mean, I am satisfied to get a nice crop of drafted players.
  11. Sure they are high end recruits, but blue chips are 1st round draft picks
  12. Totally agree, you can’t go all in on young players, especially blue chips.
  13. Nelson, forbort, Finley, etc. Beyond the blue chips, we used to get many more drafted players. Guys like Kristo, Knight, etc, etc. 2-5th rounders.
  14. Agreed, but I’m not sure the OP said that. Those boys are pretty talented. At the very least mismash may turn into a very nice bottom nine NHL player, not sure he’ll be a first line type of player but who knows, he’s still super young. i think when certain posters bring up the fact that we’ve lacked the number of first rounders (compared to early to mid 2000s), other posters seem to think they’re saying there is no talent. Not true, you can’t get into UNDs hockey program without being talented. What I’ve noticed more the past few years is that some kids simply can’t play at UND due to the pressure to perform. Jumping up levels always hits players differently.
  15. We have two fringe blue chippers. Blue chips are first rounders. But I am excited to see what they can do next year.
  16. Not interested? This kid is going to go in the top ten this summer. Sure, I was interested but there was no chance we’d get him. But for discussions sake, why wouldn’t anyone want a kid with his talent? Regardless of when he would leave. As long as the player and coach are on the same page as far as when said player is leaving who cares , I’d take wahlstrom for the year and try and push another recruit back a year. The kid’s elite. Now if he’s a terrible locker room guy that’s entirely different.
  17. Haha, this was bound to happen. Easton going to stay?
  18. Carle has actually been a very good recruiter lately...but has always had Monty to back him.
  19. Norm Bazin to DU? Solid coach but that will rub some folks the wrong way.
  20. I’ll be following Weiss as well. He had comparable numbers to Hain durinf the year...but Weiss looked much better in the u18 tourney.
  21. They been following each other for a while now. There’s other schools involved too.
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