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Everything posted by nodak651

  1. Viewing option appears to be UND Insider. Day pass is about 3 bucks? Not positive, so correct me if I'm wrong.
  2. I think that was the plan but now Lindenwood seems to be planning to move the entire athletic department up to D1, as an invite to the OVC seems to be imminent. I think they have an announcment this week. If that is the case, ya gotta think hockey moves to the back burner?
  3. The local paper hasn't mentioned this , but UND posted something about Phase two on the state procurement website, in January. I would think this means the start of construction is nearing for phase two of the Pollard/HPC, but I'm not aware of the official process UND has for this sort of thing. Included in the RFQ posted on the procurement website are new floorplans, which are not final, but they are fun to look at. The UNIVERSITY OF NORTH DAKOTA REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS for Construction Manager at Risk for Fritz Pollard Jr. Second Phase RFQ #111-2022 RELEASE DATE: January 27, 2022 DUE DATE: February 24, 2022, at 3:00 PM CST Purpose of RFQ: This Request for Qualifications is released by the University of North Dakota Procurement Services Department on behalf of the University of North Dakota Department of Facilities Management. UND Department of Facilities Management will be responsible for managing the design and construction of the proposed project on behalf of University of North Dakota. Description: The Project generally consists of: This project is to construct the addition to the existing Fritz Pollard Jr. Athletic Center. The addition is to include locker rooms, weight room, training facilities, and associated support spaces. Also, anticipated in the scope of work is the reconstruction of the outdoor practice facility which includes artificial turf field and running track, as well as modifications to the existing Fritz Pollard Jr. Athletic Center to incorporate additional programming and increase space utilization. Site work required to accommodate new facilities, renovated facilities, and required utility services. This scope of work is subject to change based on the funds UND Alumni Foundation receives. Project Requirements: • The Project Budgeted Direct Construction Cost is approximately $24 Million, actual budget may vary (excluding CMaR Fees, CMaR Construction Contingency, design and other associated fees, furniture and equipment, and other “soft” costs). • The Project Commencement Date shall be upon approval of fundraising goals from the UND Alumni Association. • The Project Completion Date will be determined when funds have been raised. • The CMaR is required to be licensed in the State of North Dakota with a “Class A” license and must comply with all requirements listed in ND Century Code Chapter 43-07. ***for full resolution/size, right click the pictures an click "open link in new tab"
  4. Highly unlikely, but UMKC was mentioned by CHN that they were looking into hockey. If that happened, a new hypothetical conference could potentially include Augastana, UMKC, Lindenwood, Liberty, Robert Morris (they allowed back in Atlantic?), Alaskas, and LIU. College hockey really needs a bottom rung startup conference if we want the sport to grow at all. This could be the Mens side of a revived CHA, or perhaps there could be enough independent could be an option. This conference could basically be a revived version of the Mens CHA, where I believe Lindenwood's womens team plays. This isn't a prediction - just saying that the potential is there for a bunch of start ups to play together in a more southern focused leage. Not mentioned is Tenn State, which had the NHL feasability study, which will tell them they dont have enough money. But they would be centrally located in such a conference. Austin Pea has a new rink as well, where I believe the club team will play. Georgia is also building a new arena nearby. Again, I don't predict this happens, but there is finally at least potential for a more South/South East focused college hockey leage. UMKC, St. Louis, Nashville, Clarksville, Huntsvville, Athens, Lynchburg wouldn't be the worst confernce, in terms of geography, and it could be a viable options for schools in the South who could be interested in a D1 hockey if only there were a viable conference in the area. This could include a school like FGCU or a Dallas or Raleigh area school.
  5. Not much different than cheering for UND's athletic programs and judging the performance of the coaches/team.
  6. https://am.ticketmaster.com/sundevils/virtual-venue/MjJIT0ZT ASU season ticket sales look to be incredibly strong already... arena too small? Very impressive. Also, the ticketmaster "virtual venue" thing is amazing! What does it take for the Ralph to get hooked up with something like that? Or are we just not a big enough name for it to ever happen? (the virtual venue feature).
  7. All good points. I could have swore the 4 game thing passed for basketball this year, after the A-10 petitioned the NCAA, but I just tried to find an update and couldn't find anything. Thanks for the correction. Good point on continuity with current roster as well. I was thinking he would be helpful towards the end of the game if guys foul out, etc, but that issue seems to be moot! I hate to say it, because the teams record isn't acceptable, but I've noticed that even with how much this team has struggled, I don't get nearly as frustrated as when I was watching Jone's teams. I'm not a basketball guy, but Sather's offense seems to just have a good flow to it. We could obviously cut down on a lot of the turnovers, but I think that will get better as overall team skill increases. This team is just enjoyable to watch, and yes, current standards are unacceptably low, given how this season started, but it's just great to see so much effort out there, and ya can't help but feel good seeing a walk on like Panoam get so much playing time.
  8. I mean, we ARE peaking at the right time... if UND makes it to the tourney, we will have one quite a few games and could legitimately upset a team or two... IF we are good enough to continue our "run" and make the tournament. Someone mentioned that Levias has been dressed for at least one game recently, is there a chance he gets healthy enough to play? I believe he can play in up to 4 games an maintain his redshirt.
  9. Per College AD, it looks like Lindenwood is looking to make the jump as well. This would bring the OVC back up to 6 for football. Wonder if this makes it more or less likely that Lindenwood adds D1 hockey? Paywall https://collegead.com/newsfeed/college-athletics-847/
  10. https://www.nd.gov/auditor/2021-ndus-annual-financial-report page 63 https://www.nd.gov/auditor/2020-ndus-annual-financial-report page 63/64
  11. No doubt better attendance would help, as it would also increase the % cut of concession sales that UND Football gets. I still think the agreement with the REA is the biggest issue. REA takes 52% of ticket sales, pockets any Ticketmaster fee revenue, and makes UND pay CC fees. REA allocated $0 income to UND the previous two years, as documented in the NDUS annual reports. Then UND still has to pay for it's use of the Alerus. Why else would Kennedy fight so hard to (unsuccessfully) renegotiate the contract with the REA.
  12. After watching the last few games, I'm back on board the Sather fan club. It's impressive how much better the team looks to have gotten as the season has progressed, and I really like his recruit, in Freshman Reid Grant, who looks to be a legit point guard. I didn't think he recruited one, but I was wrong. Going into next year, If we can keep Bruns and Grant, and with Eaglestaff coming in, I think we will be much improved and will be trending in the right direction. I think Eaglestaff will be a glue guy who may help to keep the team together, as well, and his work ethic will rub off. Despite our record, I'm excited to watch the team play. And the teams effort in the Omaha game was impressive, considering the let down vs Denver. I feel like most teams under similar circumstances would have completely fallen apart by now. I really hope Sather stays away from Juco's and transfers moving forward, with exception to maybe one guy a year. With so many schools going after transfers, I think there will be a lot more higher end high school talent that is available to us, which we otherwise may not have gotten, if not for the portal. Given the major contributions that we have seen recently from freshman, it's clear that younger guys can come in to this league and contribute right away.
  13. Awesome. Hope UND is able to give them a nice contract extension when the time comes, after Volleyball goes from worst to first and the Betty is selling out.
  14. Did the press ever request or report any foia emails about this subject?
  15. I was thinking about that the other day. It's too bad the sport died off so much. Was even on espn for a time.. An indoor field in gf would be nice in the winter. Outdoor would be nice as well. Cost is a factor now though. Paint is really expensive. Cost for playing a day is probably similar to a golf outing. I've heard a lot of fields have been closing down over the past decade or so. Business/event outings for paintball still seem to be somewhat popular, but I've heard open play numbers are just bad. High school and college kids would rather play video games or are in demanding sports or working it seems. Maybe it could work with all the college kids we have, perhaps there's enough that would be looking for something to do.
  16. Grant is legit. Can create. This team really needs a legit pg for next year. Great team effort. Danielson is sneaky good at creating turnovers.. wow.
  17. Yeah I found it yesterday after @iluvdebbies first mentioned it. It's in the 2014 990. https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/display_990/806008137/2015_11_PF%2F80-6008137_990PF_201412
  18. I listened from 41 on. Liked it and will check outs some of the other episodes. Your thoughts on the assistants and the other coaches you named was interesting. You follow the program much, or at all, and have you seen any games recently? If you havent taped the new pod, would be curious to know your thoughts on Freund as OC now and the state of the program overall.
  19. Agree with your first statement. As to your second statement, yes, they are nice. What's your point?
  20. Nice straw man. Again, you said locker rooms have no relationship as to why we recruit D2 talent. Never did I say that locker rooms are all that matter. I asked a hypothetical statement about the renovated hockey locker room area, because it obviously DOES matter, and you stated the opposite. Other factors are obviously at play when it comes to recruiting. I shouldn't even acknowledge your soccer statement, but the women's soccer team doesn't even have a stadium and their locker rooms are across a huge parking lot in the basement of a hockey arena.. highly doubt that is one of the best D1 set ups in the Midwest.
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