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Everything posted by SWSiouxMN

  1. Who else applied? edit: found the list so far, Brown did apply for the job as well as these people Former Northern Arizona and San Jose State head coach Henry Choate. - Former Ole Miss head coach Joe Getzin. - Former Georgia State head coach Tami Audia. - Baylor associate head coach Mark Pryor. - Utah State associate head coach Jeremiah Larsen. - Colorado-Boulder assistant coach J.T. Wenger. - Southern University at New Orleans head coach Naomi Washington. - Winthrop assistant coach Michael King. - East Carolina assistant coach Brandon Crisp - Radford assistant coach Christopher Hertel. - Chadron State assistant coach Jenna Jester. - Murray State assistant coach Dongping Fang. - North Texas volunteer assistant coach Geno Frugoli. - North Texas associate head coach Albert Givens. - Arkansas-Fort Smith assistant coach Matthew Waack. - Southern Maine head coach Thomas Gardner. - SUNY at Buffalo assistant coach James Goodridge. - Huron Valley head coach Eric Stark. - Antonio Cortese, former head coach of youth teams in Rome, Italy. - Patricia Melfy, head coach at Gilbert (AZ) High School. - Covance Mortimer, former head coach at St. Augustine's (NC). - Ashley Ziegle, graduate assistant at Concord (WV). - Robert Hadaway, former head coach at William Woods (MO) - Dardo Olivera, stock investor, Ogden, UT. - Henry Hauger, hardware salesman, Yankton, SD. How does a hardware salesman and stock investor serious get involved... I might as well apply..... geez
  2. I'd watch for UNC too. They have looked pretty good to start. The baby eagles will give teams fits too but are still a year away.
  3. Yup and it resulted in the worst basketball I have ever seen. Lost to mayville too that year.
  4. Also of note. Dyer did play as well so we now have another weapon in the backcourt. Knox had 9 assists to 3 TOs as well
  5. Lost in the disappoint ment of the men. UND picked up a solid road win over UNC. Mia went for 20 and 14 and szabla had 16. Wall appears to finally be back to her old form. Don't look now, but perhaps this could be the start of something good.
  6. Salmonson is hurt and traylor idk
  7. Mmmmm... play the likes of minot mary and crookston on a nightly basis. Or play montana and weber.
  8. Soo.... about the SDSU game
  9. So for the young and uneducated (that's me) explain to me about each coach ( I know a little about DeBoer but not Bubba), what type of offense and defense schemes are run. Why should 1 get the job over the other. I have read a lot of stuff between both and I am looking for a bottom line reason why
  10. I nearly choked on my dinner reading that one. If this one comes true.... god help us all
  11. SDSU is long.... and their starting 5 is very solid. All 5 of their starters are 10+ ppg and any one of them can have a big game. Dykstra is the "Star" so to speak, one of the best players in the summit and one of the best inside/outside threats in that conference. We all know what Chad White can do . Bittle looks to be another star guard in the making and is blossoming in his sophomore year (he is coming back from injury but looked pretty good against Belmont). Carlson is a solid senior who knows his role and at any time can go off for 15-20 points a night if needed. Larson is the surprise and has given SDSU what they needed out of the 5 and more. Good for him to apparently get his life back in some order after some struggles in HS and down in Florida. He has come a long way since the last time I saw him play, when his SF roosy team played ours in Minnesota. However, SDSU is not deep. They do have the highly decorated freshman Broman (who can go off and score) off the bench but that is about it for scoring. Something Heemstra can provide good minutes. Personally, SDSU is the biggest threat to NDSU winning the summit and not DU. If they can develop so much as a bench I think they can serious challenge NDSU. In our end, they will run zone to use their length and protect their bench. We need to be very aggressive in attacking the zone and make them pay. This needs to be a win at home to start gaining some positive momentum for conference play. Our 1st 6 conference games will be very important with 2 big road trips to UNC and Montana, with a home game against Weber thrown in. Also throw a ISU team that can play junk D anything can happen their. I expect this team (minimum) when MLK day rolls around to be at 9-7 and 5-1 in conference.
  12. And next year we go from 20 to 18 conference games. So I would expect more D-1 games next season. Not minot and crookston added. NDSU SDSU on road USD UNO at home Alternate every year.
  13. They should have played USD this year, this game (USD) needs to get back on the schedule for next year and should find a way to schedule it for home so we can alternate between having them 1 year at home and NDSU/SDSU the next year. Throw Omaha into a long term deal too if you want. I'd sacrifice $$$ now to have a better battle tested team that can win Big Sky regular season title to hold it at the Betty and win NCAA berths to make more $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ then beat up the poor small school from Aberdeen, SD.
  14. I enjoyed my first ever visit to Tim Hortons tonight. Got a simple vanilla donut and some hot chocolate. Got both right and my donut was pretty good. Then they proceed to mess up my girlfriends
  15. SWSiouxMN

    Freshman Class

    Reyes and Norberg on D Hopefully we see Sharp in the backfield
  16. That's what I thought. I think the pentagon does NSIC tourney
  17. I thought the summit tourney was in the other new one where the sky force play. Edit: yes but in 2015. Seats 12, 000
  18. The seniors on this team need to look themselves in the mirror and ask themselves what do they want to be remembered by when it is all said and done. The team has the talent to win the Big Sky, it is there. We have seen it. They need to start showing it on the road. They need to win in Missoula, need to win at Weber. Winning on the road isn't just about talent, its about having the right mindset. Having the "business" look about them. I don't know what is so hard about running a zone offense. You attack the gaps of the zone, make fast, smart passes to make the zone defense move around and get uncomfortable. Attack the middle and keep moving around filling the holes. If you get an open shot you convert. 5 people need to move, not 3 or 4 but 5! I am not a fan of the full court press with initial ball trap in corner, not because it isn't a good defense because it can be... when it is run correctly. This game is an example of what happens when it is not run correctly. Easy points for BGSU, they beat it and we were too lazy to get back (yes, I said lazy). Post play is..... ugh I think it is time for Quinton Hooker to get a start and I would start him Sunday and see how it goes. If at the very least it send Webb a message that he needs to pick up his game so be it. Its time to go 4 guard and Nash, that gives us the best chance to win.
  19. When we ran the zone offense, when we actually attacked the middle and got someone in the middle to attack the zone we did have success. You need to make the zone uncomfortable and always moving around. Schuler right now is the only one that was in the middle. When we get in it however, we need to execute and make the smart pass We serious cannot run a full court press as well.
  20. I think the line up needs a shaking up... We need to go to a 4 guard line up and Nash. However, it is not the 4 guards you think. Hooker Anderson Huff Schuler Nash
  21. To give 1 defense to the low assist numbers, you can deliver the best pass in the world, but you need to still convert. I've counted at least 3, 4 time where an open shot was not converted
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