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Everything posted by SWSiouxMN

  1. If they cannot beat SUU, who's closest lost to a D-1 team this year is 12 and is ranked nearly dead last in every offensive statistical category , then there is some very serious issues with the team and Jones should be fired on the spot. SUU is not that good this year, UND by 15.
  2. This should be a win, but there is a lot to solve and we need to start getting it right. Need to start this 3 game home stand right and get some things corrected before ISU and Weber come next week.
  3. Hopefully Reyes can have a similar impact like Kuksa was able to last year. I agree on Idowu and I look for him to step up for next year. Really liked his game since spring ball from last year and can lay a good hit on the opposing teams (his hit in the UNC game).
  4. If this season doesn't turn around soon and we miss the tourney or lose in the 1st round with this group, Jones needs to be shown the door. This 3 game home stand will be the critical point of the entire season.
  5. The help defense is the equivalent of watching a fly ball drop between two outfielders. each outfielder was like you go get it and that is what happened.
  6. Women are fun to watch this year, Mia is turning into a star and her motor just never quits. Gotta love it
  7. Its hard to even begin on this game and say what went right. If it wasn't one thing it was the other. When we would play good D, we could box out. When we ran our offense to a T, we can't convert the shot. When we got it close to even give it a threat, we run something stupid. Pros: -Nash: When Nash wasn't playing hot potato with the bench, he was the best player on the team. He attacked, smartly. He is 6'8 and UNC could not stop him. Had an overall nice game with rebounding, blocking shots, assists and steals. The one quibble was some of his defense, but when you are overmatched and getting backed down, its kinda hard -Calcaterra: Yup and here is why. He did have a good game, he was effected in individual post play and looked good in his 15 foot jump shots, and he set very good, legal screens. My quibble, he should have been given the ball more and I am dead serious. He should continue to get minutes over Salmonson. Cons: -Coaching: Jones putting in a line change after the timeout was a disaster on many levels. First off, the fact you put Webb, Schuler, Benton, Salmonson and Stefan in a group and sent them out there is dumb on many levels. You compound the issue by taking out Calcaterra and Anderson who was actually in rhythm and doing good, Nash who pretty much didn't couldn't get into rhythm until late in the 1st half. Salmonson did nothing to help, Stefan was playing as a drive guard, which is not his game he is a spot up shooter. Jones should have just taken Hooker out for Webb and let it run. There is other moments to get the other subs in. That group should never be used again as a unit because it does not have the necessary personnel to be efficient. IF YOU HAVE NOTED THAT YOUR MAN D STINKS, WHY DO YOU WAIT UNTIL 10:00 IN THE 2ND HALF TO SWITCH TO A ZONE -Defense: To say that UND defense was bad is saying that it is cold right now in North Dakota. I have never seen a team that play so out of position, doesn't want to stay in a defensive stance, no help, gambles too much, fails to box out, etc. EVER! Now, when they did go to zone, it was actually competent, wasn't great or good, but competent. But boxing out is horrible. We will argue if selfish play or defense is the fix, but its 1A and 1B -Huff: There is no question he is a star. Its time you played like a star and make the star plays such as pass the ball and don't force shots. If you are serious about pro ball anywhere, you will get noticed more this than getting 20+ points a night. I remembered 2 years ago where you had a clunker against NDSU and instead of sulking, you played shut down D. Your issue right now is that you drive and try to get bailed out by the refs, well they were letting them play today so he needs to learn to adjust. You have 3 games at home against SUU, ISU, and Weber. If they bring this effort they will go 1-2 at home. ISU will beat this team that showed up at UNC. Weber will KILL this team that showed up at UNC. If you bring the effort you are capable of, you will go 3-0. 1 loss does not end a season, but the fact you had a WEEK to prepare for this game and still played like this is alarming.
  8. Well I'm not doing anything important right now, 90k would be fine with me
  9. Jones coached this game horribly the minute he went to the line change for sub.
  10. Nash at least has shown up and played well and to a lesser extent Calcaterra.
  11. this game is pretty much over, our chance is come and gone and this is very disappointing performance....
  12. Calcaterra will draw the foul on the put back attempt and will go to the line makes both 66-55 UNC
  13. WOW.... I hate our press hate our press, hate our press
  14. Hooker will go to the line for 2 screen by Calcaterra set that play up makes both 63-53 UNC
  15. we are 1 quick run from making this a game again, this could be our chance
  16. nice D by Schuler and Hooker to draw the turnover....
  17. Huff to the line for 2 makes both 63-51 UNC
  18. hey, our D is competent in the zone except we need to rebound!
  19. Nash with the put back 60-47 UNC 10:06 2nd
  20. we can't hit the big shot to really get us back into it right now the offense is actually moving finally! 60-45 UNC
  21. Webb is looking to bring the team back 57-42 UNC
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