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Everything posted by GFG

  1. Stupid play by Matson. Obviously he's frustrated but there's never a reason to freak out like that. I can't imagine how frustrated he was, that he's been a clean player his entire career and the last game of his college career he does that. Still no excuse for it.
  2. I was legitimately blacked out by that point so I can't comment on what happened with Condon and Matson.
  3. BC is able to minimize losses because they never bring in 15+ NHL draft picks at a single time like Minnesota and Nort Dakota do. They find very good players that weren't exactly NHL caliber and then mold them. It helps that all the players there buy into what they're coached as well.
  4. We had a good season. From being picked 5th or 6th in the WCHA preseason poll to the Frozen Four is quite an accomplishment. Obviously the game was much closer than the score indicated. BC scored on pretty much every chance while Minnesota scored on one of about 17. But I'm over the downtime already. Proud of our seniors and I'm really going to miss Matson and Patterson. Great leaders. Congrats to BC on a 5th National Title. As we all know, the Title game is already decided.
  5. I'll be grilling L&M brats and playing beer darts in my backyard during the first game
  6. Also, according to Roman's Twitter, BC will be playing in the Mariucci Classic next season and the two teams will meet the next 4 years after that in series as well.
  7. I guess it's fitting that we have a team playing the trap in St. Pete Times Forum this weekend. Following suit of the regular team that plays in the building. *Cough* Lightning *Cough* I would love to see Union do this
  8. Didn't see this until now. Yes expect him to sign haha. My buddy teaches Dell and he brought pizza to class for the students today and Dell wouldn't eat any because he's "On a very strict diet." The players are still in their usual 2 week off period, so the strict diet thing raised a red flag to me.
  9. No disrespect towards Goren, but I'm pretty much positive Nelson has exponentially higher potential than Goren did.
  10. Stuck in the AHL for 2-3 years? No way in hell. He'll be in the AHL one year max. Once he throws a little more bulk on his body he's going to be a very good NHL player. Probably a second liner, but could move up to first line on the Isles.
  11. I have to admit that I probably agree with this
  12. Williams arena is like going back about 85 years ago!
  13. There's been a lot of talk that Lucia is considering stepping down soon and that the HC job would be Guentzel's. Lucia said he wanted to end on top. Doubt he would leave after this year but I've heard some rumblings (Which as we know, may or may not be true) that he wants to be done in 5 years MAX.
  14. I think Eades could be a candidate, depending on whether or not he wants to move to a HC position. Other teams seems to love UND assistants and it worked well for Duluth.
  15. I'm a UND BBall fan and read this forum all the time, just never post. I do all my posting in the hockey thread. Just thought I'd show you guys a report was done and listed in the Wall Street Journal about the most valuable college basketball programs right now. Some surprising teams in there for sure, especially Minnesota at #10. http://professional.wsj.com/article/SB20001424052702303816504577317681170452786.html
  16. I doubt it. Not positive on this, but I think Guentzel might actually make more money than the head coaching position at Mankato pays.
  17. I thought they would keep him since his kid will be on the team. What really sucks is that Mankato had some very good young kids. Top 2 leading scorers this year were freshmen and they have a solid recruiting class coming in as well. Doesn't seem fair that they're finally getting some better players and the coach recruiting them is gone. Oh well. I haven't heard any rumors regarding replacements yet. I'd have to assume Guentzel isn't even in the question haha. Lucia needs him, this year proved it.
  18. It sounds like the series would have continued immediately with the conference change until use of the nickname resumed. After that happened it's in limbo because it's been reported that DU is in talks for a series with MN and WI, and could possibly include CC. If it does include CC it will be like the College Hockey Showcase that had MN, WI, MI, and MSU.
  19. Why would the B1G change? This makes the conference more money. It makes Minnesota less money but the conference could care less about one school. Some of the people on here are blaming Minnesota for EVERYTHING that happened, which is just not true. You can hate Minnesota all you want, but this is far from being Minnesota's fault. In fact, even though you hate Minnesota, you should be somewhat happy that they publicly spoke out against the B1G conference. One can say it probably takes some balls to speak out against the top money making conference in the NCAA when you're a member of that conference.
  20. Aww I get what you're saying now. Can't argue that either. Alvarez has just been a bast**d in this whole ordeal because he's been pushing for a B1G conference for the better part of a decade now.
  21. The B1G was formed because with PSU there will now be 6 B1G teams. Barry Alvarez has been trying to start a B1G hockey conference for many years, he's the driver behind this whole thing because he "Doesn't want to be seen playing small schools" all the time (i.e.- SCSU, UMD, CC, MSUM, etc.). Minnesota, however, has never wanted to join the B1G. Lucia and Maturi are BOTH on record saying that it would be bad for the sport and that Minnesota liked what they had in the WCHA. I personally talked to Maturi about it and told him that it's stupid if it's being done for money and Maturi told me that Minnesota will actually probably make less money in the B1G conference than the WCHA. I then asked him if there was any way they could stop the team from joining the B1G hockey conference and he told me that since Minnesota is a B1G member school that they're required to join the conference whether they want to or not. You can blame it on Minnesota all you want, but the 100% truth is that they were dragged into it against their will. The only ones to blame in this entire mess are Alvarez and Terry Pegula. I'm not sure how Michigan and Michigan State view it, I'd never heard anything from their coaches or AD's.
  22. They don't really gain anything from beating those two schools, but losing to them hurt Minnesota's RPI and dropped them. I know at one point when there was only a month or so left in the season somebody on GPL messed around with that calculator thing and at that point they found that if they switched only the Vermont loss with a win Minnesota would have been #1 in the PWR instead of, I think, #9. It would have flipped over a lot of COP from HE that Minnesota lost due to splitting with Vermont.
  23. This is true. Minnesota's performance in non-conference games killed them. Had they just beaten Northeastern and Vermont, they probably would have had a #1 seed.
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