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Everything posted by GFG

  1. Fun game. UND was much better defensively last night but still not clearing the front of the net enough. They were aggressive on the outside and forced Minnesota to take a lot of bad shots from low quality scoring areas. Minnesota gave UND way too many odd man rushes, and give credit to UND, they made Minnesota pay. Guentzel looked pretty pissed on the bench, which he should be. Minnesota really struggled to finish last night. Just couldn't buy a goal most of the game, but that'll happen. That was by far the best game I've seen Gothberg play this year. No other game even compares. His rebound control throughout most of the game was superb last night. This is probably the first time in my life that I can say a Gopher team is more physical than UND (possibly last year as well). My buddy who is a UND fan agreed to that as well. It was fun to see Rocco turn into a little torpedo towards the end, though . Good to see neither team took any cheap shots that could have hurt anybody either. I can't wait for the Final Five matchup this year See you guys there!
  2. Calling people tools while hiding behind a computer screen is hilarious
  3. Seriously wondering about that Kristo deal to. He could have EASILY prevented this goal
  4. GFG


    Meh. Wouldn't affect the NCHC either way. This is all the football program. Even if the university knew and did nothing, nothing will happen. What Te'o did isn't illegal or against any NCAA rules. It just makes him look like a sad, attention whore that wanted more fame. His stats were nowhere near good enough to have him as a Heisman Finalist. Don't believe me, look them up. That story was the ONLY reason he got vaulted into Heisman consideration, and many Heisman voters have blatantly admitted this on Twitter since the story about Te'o broke. Either way, it would in no way affect anything with the NCHC.
  5. Officiating was a non factor tonight. Terrible both ways, so basically a normal WCHA officiating night. The first call on us was almost as weak as Macwilliams call last weekend. As you learned tonight, Wilcox is for real this year. The kids been an absolute stud all year and his stats back it up. From what I saw tonight, the major difference was Minnesota's defense and Wilcox. Many of you said both of the numbers were padded by their schedule, but tonight may have changed your mind a little. They're vastly improved. My take on UND, whom I've watched a lot this year since I live in Grand Forks: -This is quite possibly the worst defensive team I've seen from UND in the last decade. Seems there's always openings in their defensive zone and they're not very good at clearing in front of the net. This needs to change. Now -Saunders is pretty good but he really doesn't seem to get much help around the net -After the top forward line on offense UND just doesn't seem to have much punch, other than Rocco.
  6. I just finished my bottle a couple nights ago
  7. Missing the Mariucci Classic. So with that there's 30 games. Max is only 34, unless you travel to Alaska, then I believe you can play 36. So after that stuff they only have 2 series to choose from. Notre Dame is one because of his son, which I fully support. That leaves only 2 games. They really don't have much to choose from. Realistically they only get to pick 2 non-conference series per year.
  8. Its been reported that Haula will actually play on the first line with Bjugstad and Rau tonight. Interesting.
  9. I would agree with you but after the Notre Dame series Minnesota only had a total of 2 non-conference games left open. After all the series with in-state teams Minnesota only has a total of 4 games left to choose. So they really don't have many OOC dates available.
  10. So I was 100% right when I said earlier this week that he most likely scheduled ND because of his son. Although I did say he probably wouldn't admit it...I was wrong there haha. Lucia on the UND series this morning, "The reality is, if there was no nickname issue we'd probably be playing next year."
  11. It's definitely worth a shot to do it, but Norwood probably won't care. It's his first year at Minnesota and he's got far bigger things to worry about right now. Like I said though, it's definitely worth a shot.
  12. Exactly. I HATE all fans like that. It's one thing to support your team and hate your rival, but to personally attack people for no reason other than being a fan of a team you don't like is completely uncalled for. Just my two cents, I guess.
  13. Obviously you'll get drilled by fellow UND fans because of this but you really do make good points. Can't deny that.
  14. I agree with you. Last year at the Final Five a Gopher fan started saying very terrible things to my buddy (who is a UND fan). So I just stepped in and told him to shut the hell up and that he was making our whole fan base look bad with his BS. There was definitely more said but I can't repeat that on here Fans like that are a disgrace, no matter the sport.
  15. Not refuting tickets sold. That I know is true. Tickets used is another thing. Pretty tough to say what real attendance is now though because nobody goes by real attendance, they go by tickets sold. Yes, this includes UND. And yes I do agree, Minnesota needs to start giving out less tickets to corporations and let people buy them that actually want to use them because it's a flippin joke to have that many tickets go unused. Start giving the corporations more tickets to football or something. I'd really love to see the redemption rate of tickets given to corps.
  16. Not true. Yes they have it close to full most nights, but they rarely reach full capacity at REA anymore. Heck, against CC on Friday you can't say there was more than 7500 people there.
  17. My friend is a UND fan and he was reading this thread thinking the same thing
  18. GFG


    Tickets are tough to get because there's a bunch of UND fans wanting them. The people selling the tickets for $400 are obviously Gopher fans that want to go, but if there's a UND fan willing to pay that much money why not sell it and watch on TV. That's what's happening. Even when the basketball team sucks they're more popular than hockey. I love Gopher basketball, the only disappointment with them being good is that ESPN is broadcasting the game tomorrow and Dickie V is one of the commentators
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