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Everything posted by UNDBIZ

  1. Time to wake up. QU playing with more fire to start the second
  2. Solid first period by und. Refs need to figure out WTF they're going to call, what they're not, and then do it with something resembling consistency.
  3. Definitely a penalty on Ladue. Definitely missed calls earlier on QU. Good penalty by Ladue to prevent the breakaway though
  4. Murphy looking like he belongs so far....
  5. I think the goofer fans will all just go home, grab their bulldog jerseys, and head back out.
  6. What's funny is O'Donnell started to shine once he was put on a line with guys who weren't necessarily top-end talent (and he got healthy).
  7. Exactly. He struggled due to always being injured. Not really comparable to the current situation with #7.
  8. Yeah that guy for BU definitely wasn't gripping his stick too tight. Must be very relaxed out there.
  9. For an early afternoon game out east the attendance looks decent. At least 3 times the B1G tourney's most highly attended game (600 people).
  10. And Murphy gets one more chance to prove everyone (including me) wrong.....
  11. Seasons 1 and 2 were great.
  12. There are a number, both on this board and writing letters to the editor, who still seem to be in the "denial" phase.
  13. And after 27 bids they have sold for $504. Nice $300+ profit, but well below the $400 each some are asking for.
  14. UNDBIZ

    2015 season

    Don't know if it's been posted elsewhere, but Jenkins-Moore (the transfer from Kansas) has transferred to DII Wayne St. per Tom Miller.
  15. I'd be happy to pair up with the WCHA for the conference tourney as long as terms are fair and proportionate to what each conference brings to the table. The B1G can go pound sand.
  16. With Hooker, Seales, and Crandall creating space, it'd be nice to have a 3-point shooter.
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