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Everything posted by UNDBIZ

  1. According to the article, the number 1 searched conspiracy theory in ND is that Bill Gates is trying to use the pandemic to implant everybody with a microchip. Me typing that right there, is the first time implantation of a trackable microchip has been mentioned in this thread (unless my search missed it). As for the masks and government being misleading, when the government makes statements and then immediately backtracks on those statements (how the virus is spread), or backtracks months later (masks), there are obviously going to be doubters.
  2. The only reason she has any power is because the right and Fox put her in the spotlight to scare people. Edit: and it's still just power over a fringe
  3. For all the attention the "squad" gets, it's important to remember they represent 4/435 of the House. And Bernie is 1/100 of the Senate.
  4. They must know what she stands for now and it appears she'll be reelected in November.
  5. I had 95% there, but decided to give the people more credit (perhaps more than we deserve).
  6. I know which way ND is voting in every presidential election. It gives me the freedom to vote 3rd party.
  7. 90% of people have no idea what the candidates in their local election stand for. It's an unfortunate byproduct of centralized news.
  8. What's the name of our country? That may give a hint about why our voting system is set up the way it is.
  9. Likely looking at a lame duck session confirmation.
  10. That's not what I said. I was against the first lockdown and I doubt ND will lock down again in the next 30 years. But pretending ND isn't going through a little surge right now isn't going to help keep it contained.
  11. Record number of hospitalizations reported this morning as well....
  12. My understanding is most of the cost is in navigating the red tape.
  13. Nice to read something positive every once in a while.
  14. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN2682OF
  15. Ignore junior and whatever that blog was. The actual Fox coverage (still questionable, as is all news) only talks about a cover-up and hiding of info.
  16. Should a business not be allowed to deduct the cost of production from the revenue to determine its profit?
  17. So they had 22 cases June 30 and a month later said there were over 80 cases. Are you saying there were no additional cases a month later? They don't want to comment because they've been blaming bars and restaurants for spread when, with 80 cases out of 20,000, that's not the case.
  18. Words matter. Nashville failed to publicly disclose specific covid-19 data. That article doesn't show any fabrication.
  19. Just have to write a book and then have your campaign purchase 100,000 copies to hand out at events for free. Easy way to funnel campaign cash into your pocket. Another method is to have a spouse or family member consult or in some other way contract with the campaign and take a percentage of all campaign donations.
  20. Agreed. And who'd have thought painting one turbine black on each wind tower would largely solve the bird-killing issue. But in the meantime....
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