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Everything posted by UNDBIZ

  1. Worldwide there are gonna be serious issues.
  2. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2020-08-31/hunger-is-threatening-to-kill-more-people-than-covid-this-year
  3. Also, counting those black slaves as whole people would've been even better for the south in the electoral college. Both the north and the south counted a lot of people who weren't eligible to vote as people when determining their populations for representative distribution. But neither the north nor the south really wanted to acknowledge black slaves were whole people at the time. Not many clean hands around in 1789.


  5. The 3/5 improved their standing in the electoral college, no doubt. Eventually acknowledging that black people are whole people helped them even more. Slave states had lower populations, so yes they wanted the electoral college for more power. And slave states had a lot of slaves, so the 3/5 compromise gave them even more power in the electoral college.
  6. I'm not arguing the 3/5 compromise was about slavery. You're attempting to conflate that with the electoral college, which was about representation for low population states. The 3/5 compromise was about additional representation for slave-holding states.
  7. You're attempting to rewrite history to associate something you don't like with evil. It was done to support low-population states, which, at the time, were also slave-holding states. It wasn't done due to slavery.
  8. CNN and the left are also conflating the 2. They refuse to call the rioters what they are.
  9. The electoral college and the Senate were created to give low population states better representation in the federal government. The 3/5 compromise was created to give slave-holding states better representation in the House (and the electoral college) and was created entirely due to slavery. The electoral college wasn't created because of slavery and should not be conflated with the 3/5 compromise. It was created because of population differentials. It did however benefit most the states that were also slave-holding states at the time.
  10. I'm not missing anything. I didn't say people shouldn't be upset about police killings. I'm trying to point out for you why something that only directly affects a tiny fraction of a percentage of people causes others to be upset when they hear about it.
  11. I'd assume it's multiple people simply repeating the story that came out of Florida or wherever months ago. There are also multiple scams going on nationwide where they call to tell you you're positive or have been in close contact with a positive and they need your credit card to send you treatment or a test.
  12. 6'6" 280# OL out of Iowa.
  13. What percentage are being shot by racist police?
  14. We've scared the folks with cancer and diabetes into avoiding the hospitals, so there should be room. Just need to do some retrofitting.
  15. Hence the last sentence of my prior post.
  16. Obviously we don't know. But those who tested positive now are armed with the information that they shouldn't be partying or visiting grandma for a bit. Knowledge of being positive isn't a bad thing. Should the media be blowing it out of proportion when a bunch of asymptomatic or lightly symptomatic kids show up positive? No. The community is safer now that those kids are aware of it. Information isn't a bad thing. How those in power use or react to that information is where it gets muddy.
  17. A couple years old, but relevant for the current situation, IMO.
  18. If you alert that positive individual and they don't visit grandma.
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