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Everything posted by UNDBIZ

  1. As long as the legislature and executive branch remain split, I'm fine with the results. I like a divided federal government.
  2. That falls outside the realm of most personal attacks. Hence, it was addressed by the first moderator to see it.
  3. It's almost like it was established we were going to let politics and most personal attacks go in this thread after multiple complaints about the threads being locked in March.
  4. I disagree with it, but apparently we throw out the constitution after the governor declares an emergency, so.....
  5. I hope fiscal conservatives are able to take the party, but it's unlikely.
  6. Are these exit poll numbers? Do they reflect mail-in voting?
  7. This thread is 2 years old and was just bumped by what I suspect to be a future spammer.
  8. Was it pretty easy to cast your absentee ballot in the other state too?
  9. I believe ND requires paper records of all votes for this reason. Also, the voting machines (tabulators) aren't connected to the internet here. Other states I'm not so sure about.
  10. What's with creamed corn being sold out? We were looking for some the other day.
  11. Off a decimal Cass is at 0.75%. Burleigh County (Bismarck) is at 1.3% active cases. Marching towards herd immunity. Hopefully it works.
  12. Changing course after putting out the statement in support of Miller a couple days ago bothers me and isn't a good look, but at least the situation won't constantly hang over the team and fanbase for the next 4 years. Moving on.
  13. Unless they can look Miller in the eye and say "you lied to us about this," then I agree. UND made it's bed and should lay in it.
  14. I don't think it's political to call out a hockey player for making racist remarks while bullying another kid. Being against obvious racism isn't (or at least shouldn't be) political, despite what we see on the news.
  15. Report the politics there and we'll deal with it.
  16. Politics aren't allowed outside this thread. I'm not sure what you're not understanding about that.
  17. Wow, that's exactly the punishment I had picked out for him. How did you know?
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