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Everything posted by UNDBIZ

  1. I didn't. For obvious reasons, it hasn't really been in the news.
  2. They've only been able to connect 1 so far.
  3. So your answer is "those people are disgusting, so I'll be disgusting too." What happened to "they go low, we go high?" Your party had a chance to capture the middle and win over the electorate. Instead, you hopped in the mud with Trump.
  4. Why are liberals who claim to support POC and women always so quick to launch racist and misogynistic attacks against POC and women who are republicans?
  5. Just cautioning against believing everything you read on the internet. Entirely possible Weatherby was involved as alleged.
  6. Yes, 1 new account with 3 posts stated that.
  7. Interesting theory. Was 9/11 responsible for the delay in timing?
  8. I could certainly see parts of Canada wanting to realign with the new countries. They aren't real happy with their centralized government either. Military dictators will have a tough time with 1/3 of Americans owning guns and significant cultural opposition coming from within the military. China and Russia would take advantage of the situation to take over much of Asia, the Pacific, and eastern Europe. Doubt they'd touch the continental US.
  9. A split from the US, yes. Them and Alaska.
  10. It's basically part of the platform that a strong centralized government with an all-powerful leader can fix anything. They never seem to expect someone like Trump to eventually be in charge of that strong central government though.
  11. I've only seen "serious" proposals to split California in order to secure more Senate spots.
  12. If the west did separate, I can't imagine the northeast sticking around long in what would then be a very red country.
  13. But they're also turning Colorado into the west coast.
  14. It'd be nice/cleaner if we simply went back to a weak federal government with strong states.
  15. And how would the national debt and federally owned property be handled? It'd be messy and likely violent.
  16. Throwing stones in glass houses and such
  17. https://www.livescience.com/43424-who-invented-the-light-bulb.html https://www.sciencefocus.com/science/who-really-invented-the-light-bulb/ https://www.bulbs.com/learning/history.aspx
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