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Everything posted by UNDBIZ

  1. Agreed. Those are a problem and the lack of consistency has rightfully led many to question the validity of any of the measures being required. The only one I could maybe agree with is if they have data proving the 3k capacity for the speedway was leading to mass spread of the virus. I haven't heard/read about them saying it was an issue discovered via contact tracing, so I'm left to assume you are correct and it was an arbitrary decision.
  2. Where's the study confirming a 30-40% positive error rate? That's just a ridiculous thing to make up. What's acceptable changes depending on who you talk to. Personally, I don't think social distancing and wearing a mask in public is too much of a burden, but I understand some others have different feelings on that for various reasons. As for timing, we know much more about how to treat the virus now than we did 6 months ago. Our testing ability is 10x better now than it was 6 months ago. We'll have quick response tests and a vaccine (of admittedly questionable value at this point, as the studies have not been completed) available soon, likely by the end of the year. 5 years from now, most of the class will have been vaccinated, so no. In the short term, the virus is gonna virus, but we can take certain steps to limit mass outbreaks.
  3. Of course it doesn't, but if you tested positive, you would know not to have direct contact with the UPS driver. It's a battle of attrition.
  4. Who is going to want to work for a nursing home in that situation? Does Oxbow need to quit his job in the medical field or just tell his children they can't leave the house again? I don't agree with cancelling life. We should never go through another lockdown. But testing, finding, and quarantining asymptomatic people who may spread the virus seems like a reasonable responsibility for the community to accept under the current circumstances.
  5. Although I'd like it to be able to work this way, what does the nursing home RN do with her high school aged child? How about her husband who's employed at Simplot or LM?
  6. How do you determine whether a nursing home employee is infected or not if you don't test them?
  7. Is it better to wait to address the issue until after the product ships and kills its users?
  8. https://www.health.nd.gov/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/symptoms-testing-care/where-get-covid-19-test Cass County is only testing priority groups and is not having the free, open, mass testing events. https://www.inforum.com/incoming/6645817-President-Bresciani-explains-NDSUs-cloudy-COVID-picture NDSU has not been encouraging testing of anyone. No wonder the numbers there are so much "better."
  9. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/harvard-universitys-campus-will-not-open-for-the-fall-semester-for-the-first-time-in-384-years-164953438.html
  10. The Herald sports writers are too busy tweeting about Covid and the mayor.
  11. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/10/health/coronavirus-plague-pandemic-history.html
  12. Which one goes against what Trump wants?
  13. https://wiki.siouxsports.com/doku.php
  14. Didn't the CDC already backtrack on that?
  15. Have ndsu and Cass County simply ceased testing?
  16. I'd prefer to largely eliminate public reporting of the numbers and have it treated a like any other issue between the clinic, DOH, and the patient. Unfortunately, because this has become such an overblown political issue, that would just result in everybody screaming about hiding info though.
  17. Since early July, the positive rate (percentage testing positive each day) in ND has increased 5x and number hospitalized has tripled. The positive rate for today's numbers is the second highest of the pandemic for ND and the highest since mid-April. All depends on how the data is framed.
  18. https://www.grandforksherald.com/news/crime-and-courts/6642097-Bodycam-footage-shows-northern-Minnesota-mayor-in-expletive-filled-rant-against-officers Guessing Nisswa, MN will have a new mayor after the next local election if he's not recalled sooner.
  19. Another shooting, this one in LA. First reports appear bad for the police (as usual). https://www.yahoo.com/news/police-black-man-killed-los-062956910.html
  20. Nice of the MFF to blame the criminal justice system for releasing the violent offenders they paid bail for.
  21. I'm not trying to make a political point. I don't care about their government. I care that people are going to starve because we panicked and shut down the world.
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