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Everything posted by UNDBIZ

  1. TSA does feed our fear of terrorists and we subject ourselves to inappropriate searches and pat-downs from them. The invasion of privacy has simply become an accepted part of life. For some reason, having my crotch scanned and patted down by a stranger is ok and a necessary evil, but placing a piece of cloth over my face is where we draw the line. Based on Burgum's new quarantine rule exempting mask-wearers, it seems the lawmaker (technically the governor isn't supposed to create law, but emergency declaration = nobody cares about checks and balances) is hoping masks will allow decisions to be made without fear. Mask mandates aren't causing closures, positive COVID cases are (right or wrong).
  2. Most of those charts prove that mask mandates don't work, but they don't necessarily prove that proper mask-wearing doesn't work. I'm only pro-mask so far as it gives some people a sense of security and makes them more comfortable going to businesses and living their lives, which society needs them to do. TSA doesn't really work either, but I'm guessing most people still want security checks at airports.
  3. It was in the past, so it must be in the future. That's a pessimistic take on the advancement of society. Should there be a voting test? No, but it'd be nice to weed out the morons of every race.
  4. And this is why citizens should have to pass a test in order to vote.
  5. Maybe you should email him and get his thoughts.
  6. There's a little oil up there, but not Bakken oil. An old Dakota Student article mentions he came from a farm family and a quick google search shows he's had a grandparent or 2 pass in the last couple years. If he did inherit money, I'd say it's a positive that he's invested it in Grand Forks.
  7. Looks great! Glad they maintained some seating under the stairs
  8. This one's actually pretty funny though.
  9. Thorson is a fairly popular last name, so who knows, but here's his facebook. https://www.facebook.com/pg/KyleforND/about/?ref=page_internal
  10. Not if you're unable to find staff. Been a nurse shortage for decades and the pandemic hasn't improved things.
  11. https://www.grandforksherald.com/newsmd/health-news/6683905-North-Dakota-has-just-22-intensive-care-beds-available-as-hospital-admissions-surg
  12. I guess I expect more from judges, particularly supreme court justices. A judge may feel emotions, but they should never lose control of them in a hearing.
  13. Mine too, but neither of us are fit to be Supreme Court justices. A judge should be the smartest and calmest individual in a room with a bunch of politicians (criminals), regardless of the personal insults being thrown at them.
  14. Why did you quote my post and then copy and paste something that had nothing to do with my post? Trump is a garbage human, you'll get no argument from me on that. But he most definitely would not be the first lame duck president signing a bunch of executive orders to screw over the president-elect from the opposing party. He's also far from the first wealthy person/company to pay minimal/no income tax. Don't hate the player, hate the game.
  15. Kavanaugh displayed he didn't have the proper temperament for the job and probably should've been pulled. ACB has written too many partisan articles. Gorsuch is solid though.
  16. Not in ND, but I agree personal responsibility has to take over at some point.
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