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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. South Dakota is honestly probably no better than UND and got votes. So silly.
  2. I'll talk to my dad later. If that's the reason they should be ashamed.
  3. yeah this was going to be great for everyone. BBigbummer. Still a great place to live.
  4. If the goal to go FBS includes plans to use associations to get to the 15K minimum, it's probably not the best idea.
  5. I doubt his family will be letting him out of sight. I'm not opposed to a higher bail but I won't complain about his current deal. His life is toast the way it is.
  6. is he any sort of threat to the public? His professional life is done. He has children at UND... What are they going to do? Overall, sad deal.
  7. lol the petition thing? I'll leave that one for bisonalumni to justify
  8. i believe NDSU has been consistent with theft and stuff of that nature.
  9. i don't find it any extra creepy. IIf he specialized in PEDS then.... Well... Different story. I feel awful for his family... Particularly his children.
  10. While some folks would certainly pout and cry, I don't think it would ever get as bad as the Fighting Sioux Forever crowd.
  11. did you not read the part where all it takes is some folks from other schools to complain basically? Easy
  12. Has that ever been there case at UND football games?
  13. NDSU really isn't making a lot of money. $60 x 2000 or whatever number of tickets. NDSU hasn't needed atmosphere for a few years. But this will be a better one than normal I agree. Playing UND will make a lot of scalpers and season ticket holders a nice chunk of money though. Family has a couple tickets on the 35. Dad says he'll start listening to offers at $1500 for the pair if any are interested.
  14. Only town maybe ever that honestly has Polka Mass several times a year at the local Catholic church.
  15. Ah I was a green/yellow kool-aid drinker for some time. NDSU has had a lot of big regular season games the past few years. Really going to have a hard time convincing people that it is the biggest since 2003.
  16. Well we will agree to disagree. We will see what happens though. I'd also say the K State game was bigger.
  17. Honestly, if NDSU runs UND out of the building in both of these games I don't think there will be much pressure to keep scheduling it. Will that happen? No idea. But I wouldn't make assumptions about the next negotiations.
  18. I don't think there was any contract in 2005 bro.
  19. Really? Maybe I should read the menu next time instead of going for my usual. Very good, again, definitely recommend going.
  20. Würst Bierhall. Awesome beer selection. Not a knoephla type place but I really enjoy the food. Would recommend going next time you find yourself in Fargo. Best knoephla I've had goes to the Napoleon Livestock.
  21. Don't mention Kroll's and knoephla. Theirs is an abomination. Honestly disgusting.
  22. Still see them around occasionally. Usually sell coffee or something right?
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