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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. Never said that. SDSU isn't competing for fans with NDSU.
  2. Meh, RPI can go back and forth.... I have no retort for women's ball because....welll....obvious reasons.
  3. Tough to use a fanboard as a evidence fans still care, not saying it isn't true...just wouldn't use a fanboard as the evidence. USC linebacker's needed someone to lead them.
  4. The bball team has played one game...that is worth counting anyway. 0-1. When you are counting "stars" this early in the season it shows an obvious troll attempt. What was UND's record against the Summit last year eh?
  5. Go to about 2:20...Yeah, Sid is a class act. Just cause a guy can't grow facial hair doesn't make him a class act. Giroux>Sid. Flyers all the way.
  6. I'd like UND in the Summit. We play them in all the Summit sports anyway. Would give the Summit a good core of NDSU, SDSU, UND, USD, UN-O. The Valley, meh, I don't see UND getting in for the reasons discussed before. I'm content to play UND in football in the playoffs. Perhaps that'd get things rolling again in terms of playing during the regular season but maybe not. Some folks are hardcore about either playing again, or not playing again.
  7. "As seniors, our legacy here is the building blocks. No, we didn't get all the wins we could have. But I think we instilled a dynamic in this team that we can build on."
  8. You think a conference with about a million teams sounds stable? Thats what the Big East thought...
  9. If he were a real man like Claude Giroux then maybe...but...he is Sid...and he can be described using many words that may result in a reprimand via Sic or other mods.
  10. Jackpot. Some suggest a wait-and-see, most suggest doom-and-gloom for the Mighty Bison.
  11. UND fans in 2003 trashed Division I and praised Division II, now in 2013, probably nearly everyone here supports the move to division one? Honestly, I think more people knew about the Big Sky at the time...and there is nothing wrong with the Big Sky...just a lot of travel and stuff....I think NDSU or UND in the Big Sky is a bit similar to Iowa State in the Big XII....nothing wrong with it...just an outlier in a group. That said, Darell, you know dang well had UND went to the Summit that you'd be speaking the Summit's praises. Let me guess....Nebraska fans speak highly of the Big XII and Missouri fans speak highly of the SEC?
  12. I do wonder if UND wanted to leave the Big Sky for Olympic sports if the Big Sky would let them stay for football. Don't care one way or the other...and don't see it happening or anything..
  13. I seriously doubt having the nickname removed caused people to switch allegiances. Statewide broadcast for football has probably helped NDSU out quite a bit.
  14. I'm a Flyer fan...(nothing to be happy about), but I doubt very much that the Bruin fans care more about beating the Pens than winning a Cup. Now if you were talking UND football wanting a W against the Herd more than a title.....I might agree with ya(troll comment, don't respond folks)
  15. Mussman shows a great ability to make the crucial late 4th quarter adjustments necessary to win championships.
  16. Lol fake. Nice D on previous play though....shocked they didn't just run the ball.
  17. Give the man a medal! And weekly spot on ESPN's "Cold Hard Lead Pipe Locks"on Sundays.
  18. Osbourne owns that state.
  19. Just saying, your buddy Rob Port doesn't actually count as "connected" at NDSU.
  20. Calling the dance team thing an "issue" is grasping for straws. Is NDSU flawless? Nope. Wouldn't be remotely surprised if you are making it up that your buddies are "well-connected."
  21. Yep. They reportedly practiced outside allotted times. And honestly, I haven't heard a fan even remotely sad that they aren't on the sidelines dancing. Also, to whomever compared the dance team to the marching band....at a football game...needs to have their head examined. One of the two organizations exists basically exclusively for football games, the other is a club the university allowed to perform.
  22. I thought they were all successful pilots? Oh wait...thats the Air Force and Naval Academy grads...UND gets the leftovers....
  23. You are aware that American sports in general had issues with steroids in the 80's. I am 100% sure UND never had anyone on the team using the juice.....LOL
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