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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. Do you have any proof that NDSU wanted or had expectations to continue playing USD
  2. Not sure NDSU ever asked USD to play...
  3. Was big news when Jensen got a minor. Don't see a reason for police to get involved over something like this.
  4. If I recall... Ten years ago... The issue was not NDSU... Perhaps the past 6 or 7 years... But ten...?
  5. We'll have to agree to disagree. From what I've read... Eastern MVFC really doesn't like the idea of traveling this far west. You seem to be on a witch hunt regarding Gene with little if anything to support it.
  6. USD was in the summit for a year before starting play in the MVFC. If it was UND or USD I think UND would have been left out. Maybe it was not mutually exclusive though... No way of knowing
  7. I think he has kept his nose clean at NDSU. I think his issues were mostly academic in nature but I could be wrong.
  8. Perhaps if my statement was a troll statement... However... It was not. Now if someone... Would provide an example of an NDSU fan saying that the Bison would beat Alabama I'd be much obliged.
  9. I, as a North Dakota resident for the majority of my life... Follow collegiate sports in my native state. I'll post where I want and do not appreciate you, nor anyone else, telling me what I should or should not do. I asked... For an example of a Bison fan claiming that NDSU would beat Alabama. You have not provided an example of a fan making a serious claim of having a better football team than UA-T.
  10. That didn't answer the question. You didn't name a ndsu fan who said the bison would beat Alabama. My post on AGS said I would spend time on a variety of forums as my school schedule allows/dictates.
  11. Name one who says ndsu would beat Alabama
  12. I doubt you'll see many ndsu fans upset if a part similar to Montana was followed. A ton of playoff appearances... Lots of conference titles...a stadium that is regularly full. Heck NDSU almost played them the other year in a title game
  13. I don't think NDSU went D1 because of losing to UND for the majority of a decade. Long overdue move for all the Dakota schools.
  14. I think UND agreeing to terms that NDSU decided were too good to turn down had something to do with it. I'm not happy about the game.... But when a team turns down a two game deal for x amount of money.... And then agrees to two games for less than x amount of money...it kinda makes sense I guess. I'm still not happy about the game and plan on being in South Bend on the day of the game
  15. We try. Wouldn't mind another game in Colorado. My first college football game I can remember at all was actually there... AF vs. Wyoming... Cowboys won...fell asleep on my dad's shoulders and peed my pants.
  16. If it's the judge I'm thinking of.... He did not attend UND...but perhaps they have multiple judges there
  17. I know a judge in Jamestown. Not sure if he is the only one or not.
  18. Lots of lawyers available to do menial tasks such as that right now
  19. I might cry... Those are beautiful!!!! Hopefully only once a year still
  20. It's a nickname dude. It'll be fine
  21. The administration has had a very very long time to think about it
  22. He is over thinking. I have never had a problem with the Sioux stuff. It's a name. But they agreed to get rid of the name. By not picking a new name.... You are perpetuating the use of the old name. Simple as that. No racism or anything involved in that.
  23. ....TL;DR Without a new name in place... The old one will be used by people. Nothing racist about that.
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