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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. I'm racist for saying that UND fans will continue to refer to UND as the Sioux until a new nickname is selected? Lol. Someone is way too hurt about losing a nickname....
  2. Because by not having a nickname.... It encourages the use of the old one. It's that simple. Which I'm sure the NCAA would come down on.... Which is the last thing you folks want I'm guessing?
  3. Sure seems like it.... Which is what would happen in my opinion.
  4. To say that implies you have taken the time to read all of them. I have a life. A little part of it is devoted to you;)
  5. Nope. But that was not the one of the questions.
  6. Kentucky has won a title.
  7. Feel free to change the name Bison. I have zero attachment to the name.
  8. Warriors can be from anywhere... In fact... Native American "warriors" were probably the least successful of any ethnic group. Would be wise for Warroad to find a different one.
  9. .... So how long have programs like Kentucky been trending up? Or... Iowa State?
  10. Easier to improve upon does not mean trending up...
  11. I won't be in school anymore and probably won't be at games to let you know the results...
  12. So your team has a 3 win season and has its coach fired... While the other team just won its 3rd straight title... Lost its coach because the program was successful.... And things are trending up for the 3 win team?
  13. By having no nickname UND would be essentially encouraging the use of the old one. Plain and simple. They will get a new name.... And you folks will complain... And then you'll get over it and come up with new cheers and what not.
  14. NDSU has a stable of horses in the backfield. My only concern in offensive and defensive lines. Who cares if Bohl is gone.... NDSU has had plenty of coaches be successful following other good ones.
  15. I wouldn't go that far.... I think teams will run the ball reasonably well on us this year.... At least compared to the last couple years.
  16. JohnboyND7

    Fall Camp

    It was pointless. Maybe back in the 80s or something it was an honor like Letterman's jackets... We all dressed... Unfortunately. We sucked. Bad.
  17. JohnboyND7

    Fall Camp

    We did that crap in high school.... Mossy worthless thing ever.
  18. Nowhere in my post did I make a statement. Only questioned a different post. Try keeping up next time old man. If Iowa State and Iowa have a better relationship and didn't play for forty years.... Then why expect our respective schools to be playing now? Logical question. No historical claim made. No matter.... You'll likely be in hospice soon anyway.
  19. Watch out.... Don't accuse anyone of communism or socialism on this board! At least I assume it's similar to the stance on accusations regarding sympathizing with the Nazi party
  20. Well if Iowa and Iowa State have a much better relationship and didn't play for 40 years then why are you complaining that our schools haven't played for a decade?
  21. As a fan of anything space related... Yes. I'm aware of what a black hole is
  22. More if a coincidence than anything. Had the gentleman said... You know nothing of math.... Science... Philosophy... He would have had me. History.... I do well there.
  23. Nice find! That said. History/geography is my thing. Rarely can be beaten.
  24. Best way to approach things out of your control is with a sense of humor.
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