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Everything posted by TBR

  1. Thanks. I recently relocated to Colorado from the central time zone so viewing may be a bit more difficult. Will definately be attending the Utah State game.
  2. When do we start to worry about viewing options for the FBS games?
  3. Was at the Wyoming game in Laramie in "15. Nobody had heard of John Santiago before the game other than some references to some freshman switchng to RB from the receiver position. Supposedly he was fast. None of us at the game will ever forget his performance that day. That game was the most satisfying football experience I have ever had. Hope to see Santiago get some playing time next couple games to finish off his career at UND.
  4. 4 pm central
  5. TBR

    On To UNC

    I will be there, not that anyone knows who the hell I am. Forecast temp in the high 80"s. Bring the suntan lotion.
  6. Not sure how Ted got in there
  7. Enjoyed this game immensely and really glad that last Ted pass went to Wanzek otherwise we all might be moping right now.
  8. Yes, I'm still kickin'...so I've got that going for me at age 65.
  9. I am 65 years old. I think my window of opportunity has passed.
  10. Now bear in mind that I have no credentials whatsoever as a player or coach.
  11. The team should just have the mindset to play hard and have fun. Let the chips fall as they may.
  12. Pac 12 Washington
  13. Wait, we're playing St. Cloud State?
  14. My viewing not I viewing
  15. Undsports indicates that this game will be on Pac-12 Now, which appears to require a cable or satellite subscription. Hopefully I am wrong since I viewing is via webcast these days. Hoping it will be on pac 12 Washington which I get on Sling tv.
  16. I have Sling TV and am happy with it. The orange package with the added sports bundle includes ESPN3 as well as the other ESPN channels. I pay about 30$ per month for Orange Sling with this sports bundle. Of course you need either wifi or a lot of data, but most folks these days have wifi or unlimited data anyway as a near necessity.
  17. Test
  18. I am guessing you mean the best...interviewee...will get the job. I could be wrong if course but my error would beg the question: "what was the point of the interview".
  19. TBR

    2018 Season

    Does anyone know how UND's departure from the Big Sky affects Pluto TV's coverage of UND home games this year?
  20. TBR

    Hawks - Eagles

    Clawman, if you are new to going to hockey games I actually recommend sitting upper level. Others might disagree, but I find it much easier to see everything from upper level. The Plexiglas is a hindrance when seated low unless you are behind one of the goals. By all means if you find yourself in GF take in a hockey game.
  21. terrible picture quality
  22. plutoo just came back here
  23. If JJ does indeed have a good day we will have had an effective ground game, which is what we will have to have to give us any chance of winning. It will be essential to keep the UM offense off the field.
  24. Have some plans that have nothing to do with football for your Saturday so the day won't be a total loss. I will be cleaning the carburetor on my generator. UND football is not going to fare well, sorry to say.
  25. TBR

    2017 Season

    Put bags of oreo cookies in the end zone when we have the ball.
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