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Everything posted by UNDColorado

  1. I like this. The combination of him, JJ, Weah and hopefully London could be pretty good! Hopefully the more balanced offense will be an asset to the running game because if executed properly, defenses will no longer be able to stack the box.
  2. This is good news. I thought he turned into a great play by play announcer. Early on he needed to brush up a bit on lingo but overcame that with ease.
  3. My donations to the University I love have remained the same because I'm not a hack.
  4. I noticed that they did drop a DB yesterday so that doesn't hurt.
  5. The only upside is to gain points with the SJW crowd, but at the end of the day: Get woke, go broke.
  6. We should. What a child.
  7. You mean those sold out arenas in Carolina, Dallas and San Jose?
  8. Alright KEM, let's see that check for phase II please.
  9. Good question. I know there are roster limitations so I did some digging and found: CFL roster sizes are 46 players (rather than 53 as in the NFL, though only 45 will dress for a game). A CFL team may dress up to 44 players comprising 21 "nationals" (essentially, Canadians), 20 "internationals" (almost exclusively Americans), and 3 quarterbacks.
  10. PSU punt return at 2:20:
  11. it's looking that way right now, but a lot can change. Brady will be a high pick in the CFL draft so hopefully he can have a great career there.
  12. I am definitely making the kansas state trip as well!
  13. You don't be in Greeley on the days that the meat packing plants burn the blood. Those are the stinky days.
  14. I hear ya, going to away games is a fun experience. I also enjoy going up to Grand Forks for games since airfare from Denver is really cheap.
  15. This is me being selfish here but I would love to see a home and home with Northern Colorado!
  16. I was recently wondering about that because of that one game demand. Would they do a special one game pre sale for champions club members like they did for the Vegas game?
  17. Yup! Part of the reason I bought season tickets this year is so I have my spot saved for games like this. I have always gone to a game or two at the Al each year but tickets have been easy to come by in the past. I'm hoping schedules like this combined with a winning team will make this a hot ticket.
  18. If thats the case I will be making the trip up for UNI and NDSU that year! Edit: It appears that we do not play UNI in 20 or 21. That's odd.
  19. I agree, but last week I renewed my Champions Club membership and bought season tickets so I am tapped out for right now. I'm in for the next football priority fund!
  20. Agreed. There is also plenty of lodging options in Loveland that are less expensive than Denver. This past season, my group agreed that there were more UND fans than DU fans at the Friday night game. If UND is placed in Loveland, there will be a good crowd.
  21. Let's hope UND gets placed at Loveland in 2020!
  22. Absolutely! I have 10/26 circled on my calendar.
  23. Nice, i'm GG on the aisle next to 214. Since the Al isn't huge I like to sit higher up, unless I am hanging out on one of the catwalks.
  24. Today is a good day. Season tickets went on sale this morning and I pulled the trigger on two seats in section 215. I will make it up there for Sam Houston and Montana Sate for sure. Can't wait!
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