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Everything posted by bigskyvikes

  1. Yea, youve said that about ten times. And you have no idea on the final decision!
  2. Dont understand your complaint? He only says Fighting Sioux when talking about the past, he doesnt call them fighting Sioux any other time? " Obsession" yes, but by who...
  3. Will they be hanging a banner? Wonder what it says on it?
  4. They are nice people, the company I work for did the remodel. We had a free food and try beer party before it opened. I didn't get to eat anything but the reports from fellow employees was that it was all very good. What I did taste was some different beers, and they got an A+ from me...
  5. 1) Just read the rules of the thread. 2) Yes people will say that about my choice I'm leaning towards, but if you think they won't do it to whatever you want, you are "kidding yourself". 3) I was making a joke at your complaint by using my complaint, just to prove a point! I think both examples are un- avoidable and not worth any concern...
  6. You really use the "no dicks" as a reason to not like Nodaks? You do know the derogatory word for Roughriders right? Why don't you just say RR is the only good name and end this back and forth that this thread was suppose to avoid!
  7. Nodaks is growing on me. People say there is no logo for this name, I think there are a ton of options! Anything North Dakato people are known for could be the logo.
  8. Dont bother explaining, him and his buddies say this about every name gaining ground that isn't RR! I'm with you...
  9. Does anyone know how to read the rules of this thread? The same 5-7 sky is falling people on here are crying the same crap, just at another different name than the one THEY want! Good God!
  10. Thought this was interesting... http://www.broadstreethockey.com/2015/6/15/8783249/nhl-tv-settlement-settlement-game-center-live
  11. curious on any thoughts also...want to somewhat follow the Flyers this season. From Midcontinent its NHL Center Ice..
  12. Well I agree with fs4l, but this article has a ton of truth to it. Let's hope it was just a big hype game that got the best of them. Not running AP at all in preseason was stupid, and is what I'm blaming the awful opener on! And he is my RB in fantasy!! Let's hope today is the new start for an.......at least..... exciting season! Come on Vikes, we are ready to love you again.......SKOL VIKINGS!
  13. 5 games on CBS the whole season for the Sioux? Bummer....
  14. okay....good times! Glad we could share a laugh at my attempted humor.
  15. lol, easy big boy, trying to be funny! Here is the link.....notice the time released? After you wrote your comment. Did I strike a nerve, or am I on to something? http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/education/3839807-und-trade-name-registration-former-bismarck-mayor-wont-block-nickname
  16. Exactly...if it floods there, we are all toast anyways, no matter which side of the wall you're on.
  17. Al, is that you? This is almost exact quotes to the herald article quoting Al Jaeger...lol. Day later....
  18. Been asking the REA for two years to play O Fortuna. Wish they would try it....again. The first time I heard it was at a Sioux game at the Ralph, Gopher game I believe.... Miss them loud games, so fun!
  19. Please stop playing...."everybody clap your hands"!! Sickening to listen to for me!
  20. Just like I did, because tickets went up...
  21. One thing that needs to change at the Ralph is..... I got to order a mix drink at the Alerus and bring it back to my seat during the football game last night! Can people handle their liquor more responsible at football games than hockey games? It was nice not being all beer full from two drinks....
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