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Everything posted by bigskyvikes

  1. I have a couple of the top one, one says in green letters, WCHA, and the other one say Home of Economy on the back.
  2. I think you hit the nail on the head! The Sioux gear was thick, the buzz in the building was real.....at the start and through the first half. But like you said, not much to cheer for in the second half. Hope it didn't ruin the opportunity to grow the fan base this year!
  3. Can't remember who said it on this website but they said "the Sioux stuff is fading already in every sport except hockeyhockey, the hockey only people can kling on to it" . Well did anyone catch that national anthem at the FB game? The lets go Sioux chant is spine tingling...awesome!
  4. Going to the Al tomorrow to get tickets for the family to experience our first potato bowl. The buzz is real around GF, hope the place is packed and loud! Go ND!!
  5. Grand Forks had a Grand Junction, it didn't last too long. I thought it was very good, and always looked busy. Never understood why it shut down.
  6. Well...isn't this a GREAT idea? Why wouldn't anyone consider this? I think money had more to do with all of this than we know! If it didn't, why wouldn't the UND do this tomorrow? Whether the tribe gives them the blessing or not to use the name would settle all of this down....IMO http://www.grandforksherald.com/opinion/op-ed-columns/3831969-scott-louser-put-fighting-sioux-trademark-hands-trustee
  7. The GF herald reported the same thing as Rob did.... http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/education/3830877-iowa-hockey-team-und-roughriders-trademark-belongs-us
  8. I had to look at a jobsite at the GFAFB today, when I drove up to the gate above it was written with big letters.... WARRIORS OF THE NORTH! Now that would have made a great nickname! Anyone questions its meaning we say to proudly represent our military base in Grand Forks! And here they come, Your Warriors of the North! Or Your University of North Dakota Warriors!
  9. This worries me about what CAN happen if we use RR as a nickname! This proves the potential is there for lawsuits. If you truly care for UND like I do, you will not vote for RR's. You guys that are passionate about RR as the nickname need to quit whining and learn to just let go! We must join together and do what's right for the U of ND. Vote no for RR... Karma sure is a bitch!
  10. When I posted this it was the 3rd quarter and the announcers said "Philly seems to score at will even with starters still in for Greenbay" so there is that? The sideline guy even interviewed two of the stars from greenbay to ask what they thought the problem was...
  11. The way Greenbays defense looks tonight, I think the Vikes are gonna sweep em this year!
  12. Yea its not the one with the sioux feathers. It was a long time ago, someone on here either showed someone elses logos, or made them himself, not sure...
  13. Does anyone remember or can you find when someone posted a mean looking hawk coming down wings out, talons leading the way, razor sharp looking, with a vicious look on its face. With Fighting Hawks written above it? Someone posted it on here a year or two ago and it is cool looking, would love to see it again... I looked forever and found nothing.
  14. Thanks...for some reason I thought UMD's championship year was with Stalock, my bad...
  15. It seems like a hot goalie wins it at the end (Stahlock-UMD) A maybe struggling goalie does not. ???? But the struggling goalie had great numbers all season, how would that mess up the numbers? Maybe why the better team doesn't always win? 2-3 would be cool to see what the change would be in who wins the titles...
  16. Makes sense, probably why ive never seen it done for college hockey....thanks.
  17. I thought you have season tickets? Are they under someone else's name?
  18. If any of you numbers guys out there would be interested, maybe Jim? I thought this was fun to read, how about a college version? http://m.thn.com/blog/which-teams-have-best-capitalized-on-their-expected-stanley-cup-opportunities/ Not sure if I put this in the right place and I could not find another topic about it.
  19. Lol...Dont mean to rub it in to anyone about not being able to vote. Except one person on here, and I'm not close to being done with that mouth! Sorry to everyone else though...
  20. Important: If you are receiving this email, you are already registered to vote! That is what my email says! Hayduke, did you get your invite to vote? I did! Hehehe.
  21. All 7 of who? Because if I get this comment, you are saying the no Nickname people add up to 7 of them? That's laughable, if it's true why eliminate the option? Because it would win in a landslide, that's why!
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