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Everything posted by bigskyvikes

  1. What is crazy about your complaint on Nodaks not having aa cool logo is, all these you said could be cool for RR could also be used for Nodaks!
  2. But the problem is you think because they hockey team swayed it they arent doing whats best for the whole ccollege. What will it hurt?? This is crazy, and coming from the RR or nothing crowd!
  3. wow, thank god! "Smith said he had heard of people with two separate email addresses in the system getting two links with which to vote." Now I can sleep tonight! These people started this rumor, and it wasn't me! Now the cops on the beat 82siouxguy, and cratter can back off me. I need to make sure what I talk about is absolutely fact on this anonymously written pages of info.
  4. Well thats my bad, but not my intentions. I read what you showed and I thought he was asking it because he did get two. I read it 8 pages ago. I heard the radio give out a 777 number for possible listeners that had problems with the vote, and I read what the herald was asking. Thought I was talking about things that others also heard and read, I was not trying to START anything. The herald stuff was quoted on here and it did ask the question.
  5. Not sure what you think I did wrong?
  6. look up, what I read, and said I read has been reposted...
  7. No, the herald is creating a rumor. I posted on here that I read someone asked the same question like he got it twice. And that is exactly what happened!
  8. i didnt claim shyt, I just said that I read it on here, and I did. Your the one with your panties in a bunch. Find it yourself...
  9. No, sorry, thats NOT what I read, but it was around that area. You don't have to believe me I dont care, but since it bothers you so much......keep looking.
  10. No, its on this site, I read it earlier and I'm not looking back through all these pages. There might be a better way to get it on here, but i dont know how. The question/post on here said, "did anyone else get a second email to vote". I thought someone was messing around and I just blew right by it. But I did read it...
  11. Why are so many having a cow about this? You do know they had email and voting clitches right? Some on here even said they got a second email. Seems like a potential huge problem to me? I don't know, could you imagine if Sundogs wins and we find out this did happen?!!
  12. You do know that no matter how many times you write this it doesnt mean it wil come true, right? Were you a big fan of Beattlejuice?
  13. Thank you, and thanks for what you do here...
  14. When there are 150 new posts and I like 11 of them, why can I only up vote 10? I'm not sure, but you don't get anything for being up voted do you? So it doesnt make sense to control them, you know like buddies just up voting buddies? Maybe I don't understand, but it is frustrating. I seem to always run out of up votes and I'm not trying to up vote one person.
  15. Its been stated that it could be added to any name, or taken away.
  16. Nice..sorry to do it this way, but I'm out of arrow ups I guess!!!!! Uugh
  17. look drama queen, if you think the Nodak nickname is going to help the hockey team and "send the rest of the athletics down the sewer" you go ahead and believe that.
  18. Beautiful... Its like biting the hand that feeds you! This is cool.... http://www.grandforksherald.com/video/4564079487001
  19. You got me, I guess if RR's won all that "stereotyping" would go away? Lol...come on, you people have to stop acting like you're talking to children!
  20. I miss the news also, but Schloss reported history, the forum reported an opinion! And Sic spreaded it all over SS.com!
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