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Everything posted by Goon

  1. Its the same guy look at the teams and the years. I would bet it is a screw up or miss print...
  2. I am up to mid season form already. Some good shots, and a whole lot of bad shots. I am pretty sure that I won't be breaking any course records this summer, except maybe for the most 3 putts and muffed approach shots in one 18 hole round.
  3. From WPOS signature 7>5 Nuff said.
  4. Way to go Calgary, they are this season's version of the Minnesota Wild and the Might Ducks.
  5. And Iginla almost scored to put the Flames up in the game. Great to see the Dead Things out of the playoffs. Good for Calgary.
  6. I not a fan of Carve a leg either, plays when he wants to, million dollar talent, but not too motivated. As for Ribiero, the guy has a big mouth and hopefully next year someone will shut it for him. Good players do their talking with their play on the ice. Hockey is starting to look like basketball with all of the smack talking on the ice.
  7. Actually I should explain myself, I call every team that I dislike Dirty, its a goonism. I guess I should have probably explained it better. I hope that clears that up. I still hate the HABS. I looking at the season they probably were at the bottom of the NHL as far as fighting majors go.
  8. Sica your clouding the issue with fact. That probably doesn't work with this moron. I suppose he think BSA is a better venue that the Ralph.
  9. Esche is injuried yesterday.
  10. Yes I do, I am a Bruins fans and despise/hate the Dirty Habs more than any other hockey team in the NHL. If you were a Bruins fan you would understand it. Its kind of like the Celtics hating the Lakers back in the 1980
  11. First off Mankato isn't that good, 2 wins, we split with Maine and beat Northeastern University and B.C. and UND will be fine. UND should be a smart veteran team next season. Thank God all of our home games aren't in October...
  12. Trolling again I see. The Ralph is a better smaller version of the X-cel Energy Center.
  13. I predict the name is going no where. The NCAA is not going to make colleges like FSU, UND UI change their names, they don't have the power to do that.
  14. LOL that is funny.
  15. If you looking for something to do on Fridays, the races are supposed to start up in Grand Forks this Friday night at River Cities Speedway.
  16. I am very happy about the Dirty Habs being swept out of the playoffs. Sweet. Calgary just scored two goals in 18 seconds. Wow...
  17. I like this guys line of thinking. The ecomonics of beer drinking. Your right 32oz of beer for 5.50 is a bargin in any rink/arena. Like I said earlier, $3.00 is a small amount of money for a tour of an awesome facility.
  18. I think If I am not mistaken they will be seniors in High School next season? I thought I read that some where.
  19. Jim brings up some great points, however, the brutal reality is that the USA is a capitalist society and everything cost money, there is no free lunch. If you think I am off the mark, go and visit NYC. They 5 and 10 dollar you to death. A local phone call cost .99 cents to conect at your hotel, cigaretts cost $9.00 at JFK airport. Besides, REA can use the money to do maintance/cleaning.
  20. I don't believe so Crosby is on the fast tract to the NHL, and he will play in the NHL as soon as he is old enough.
  21. I agree with TAZ, Now on to my Soap Box back in the 1990's when the Clinton (Juvenile Deliquents) occuppied the White House our coutry adopted this entitlement attitude and since then we have never shaken it. Its the me, me, me mind set. Never thinking about others, just whats in it for me. That why most today are referred to as the me generation. Now we have people standing around with their hands out expecting something like they were entitled to it. I mean honestly; we have people complaining about spending $50.00-$75.00 season tickets. Most college kids drop that in the bar on the weekend. The REA is an awesome facility, three dollars is a very small ammount of money. It costs money to hire someone to take people on tours. The people that complain about this are the same people that are going to drop $5.50 for a beer during the game. Also probably the same people that hit $12.00 sleeves of golf balls. Entitlement people get over yourself. Get up get a job and go to work, your not entitled to anything free in life. Don't expect others to do it for you.
  22. I think your right most 17-18 year olds aren't ready to play in the NHL.
  23. Dude you forgot Fannuel hall and raw oysters. I agree with what you said. I lived out there in 1988-1990 and Boston rocks as a city, there is tons of stuff to do. Lots of history and many neat things to do that don't cost anything. I have never seen the new Fleece center, but hope some day to come back to Boston and check out it out.
  24. The calling of penalties settled down the rest of the way, but there is no reason to call 17 penalties in one period. That 34 minutes, the period is only 20 minutes long. That is a lot of special teams.
  25. In the first period between TB and Montreal there were 17 minor penalties called. Is the WCHA now reffing NHL games too.
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