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Everything posted by IrishSiouxFan

  1. I wonder what they will turn the Alerus Center into after UND outgrows it. An outlet mall or a casino would bring in tourists and revenue.
  2. I would like to see the alternative jerseys with the UND flame logo, I think that would look sick!
  3. I can't help but notice that every time there's a Fighting Sioux nickname story/editorial in the Herald all the opponents (all 4 of them) come out to comment about how racist or unethical supporters are. It seems like it's the same person using several screen names, GrandForkian is one that comes to mind.
  4. Random question, does anybody have an idea of how many SIoux fans were at the game against Montana last year?
  5. I agree, especially getting rid of their very successful wrestling team, they act like the Summit is the Big Ten or Big 12. Glad they didn't cut hockey, yet.
  6. My main question is why does Minnesota not want to schedule games with UND over the controversy, is it the institutions policy or is it due to an over zealous athletic director. And if it is the AD, couldn't he be overridden? Most people in Minnesota could care less about the nickname and would love to see a UND/UM rivalry continue.
  7. I feel that the legislators will have some success in re-negotiating the terms and sanctions of the settlement. If we can at least get them to back off of the sanction preventing us from hosting a playoff game, I think a lot of people (particularly football fans) would be more comfortable about the issue. It's still early days and given that the NCAA is coming under fire from the justice dept., they may be willing to compromise to save some face.
  8. It would be so AWESOME if Lakes got arrested and did time for being an A$$H@le!!! Finally some justice
  9. Speaking of Duncan, any idea if an NHL team signs him next season? If so, then who?
  10. I'm not sure UND plans too. Adding another sport would be expensive and tennis is not exactly a high profile cash cow.
  11. The Nashville/ Vancouver game was great last night! Good to see Nashville hold their own!
  12. Maybe we could host a fundraiser to help South Dakota pay their way out of the Summit/MVFC and into the BSC. Seriously though, I wonder who they would select if they were to expand by one.
  13. Does anybody know if the BSC is considering adding another member to help balance it out?
  14. I would be shocked if it wasn't renewed or if UND didn't find another network, Fighting SIoux hockey brings in a lot of viewers.
  15. If NDSU doesn't want to be associated with UND anymore why do so many Bison fans troll UND athletic boards?
  16. Unfortunately not, I asked management at the REA a couple of months ago and they told me no
  17. If the Ralph was built to hold 15,000-20,000 our attendance would be much much higher. Thanks for putting this data together, it really puts things into perspective when evaluating UND's potential.
  18. Is it against NCAA rules for teams to schedule more than 12 games a season?
  19. The WAC wouldn't have wanted Montana State only Montana.
  20. Obviously we don't play them in football, but we play then more often than we do the Bison.
  21. I would have thought Minnesota was our most heated rivalry, they hate us as much as we hate them.
  22. Although Montana and Montana State have been long time rivals, I believe that U of Montana fans are looking forward to starting a rivalry with UND. Both UND and Montana are well known for having some of the most passionate and devoted fans in the NCAA, that intensity will translate in sold out games every time we play regardless of the sport. I'm not as concerned about losing NDSU as a rival as I am about Wisconsin and Minnesota, that will actually hurt.
  23. It is too bad South Dakota was unable to join us in the Big Sky That would have been awesome. A playoff event pitting UND vs. NDSU would be insane.
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