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Everything posted by IrishSiouxFan

  1. Every year we wonder how we are going to soldier on after the seniors are gone and the juniors good enough to do so make the jump, and every year some younger guys capitalize on the opportunity to show everybody why they were good enough to make this team in the first place. Don't get me wrong we lost some very good players from last year but we have some guys ready to step up and take the leadership positions on the team. Plus, we still have the best goalie in the NCAA, thank you Dell for staying another season!
  2. I would love to see the REA build a new main arena that could seat 20,000 plus people. They could use the current arena for basketball and other events. I know that this unlikely to happen but an arena that size would ensure that UND dominated the hockey attendance records every year, plus i doubt we would have trouble selling the extra tickets. Worst case scenario UND would make up to 5,000 more tickets available to students.
  3. I agree, he has done an outstanding job and taken UND to new heights. If anyone could orchestrate a WAC move it would be this guy. I would love to hear where he sees UND athletics in 10 years.
  4. As crazy as it sounds, the Alaska schools would benefit the most if they could persuade 2 more Alaskan schools to add D1 hockey and a couple of Canadian schools. I realize that will never happen but it would be better on Anchorage and Fairbanks if something like that could happen.
  5. http://thefire.org/public/pdfs/9eefe8126a6e152dc3d9cb9b54f8d08a.pdf?direct It states towards the bottom of the letter that Mr. Warner had appointed an attorney to represent him during the hearings. This is misleading, attorneys are allowed to be present but they are not allowed to address the committee to speak on the behalf of the accused. Leaving the accused (typically a 18-22 year old student) to defend themselves against the dean of students office whose representatives always have at least a PhD or an EdD. Not fair at all.
  6. You know, it's just possible Faison knows something that you don't. It's possible he's been talking to networks who believe that college hockey is a product that has a lot of potential that has been poorly marketed in the past. If you haven't noticed, hockey is becoming very popular throughout the US over the last couple of years. I never thought I would see the day when Tennesseans adopted the sport and not only buy tickets to Predators games but understand the rules and follow recruit development. Faision is a smart guy who wouldn't have made a statement about every Fighting Sioux game being on tv if he didn't mean it, have a little faith in the guy, this is the second time he's pulled UND up from certain death into greener pastures (BSC and NCHC).
  7. Losing Miller sucks, I wish him luck but i wish the NY Rangers would reconsider. UND has developed some of the best players in the NHL, I'm not sure why they would think he would be better in a Canadian league as opposed to here.
  8. I would agree with you, I was referring to the Big 10 having a virtual recruitment monopoly.
  9. I would love to see a new high def score board at the Ralph!
  10. I believe that WDAZ is responsible for the production of all the home games. I sent them an email about broadcasting the games in HD, but the reply I got back said that they had been discussing it for several years and the cost of upgrading the cameras and production equipment to HD was very expensive. I think they do an exceptional job of covering the games with exception being to the standard definition cameras they use, I wonder how a bigger tv deal will effect the relationship between UND and WDAZ if they are unable to upgrade the picture quality on the games?
  11. I think if Notre Dame wanted to join a seven team conference the NCHC would be more than happy to close the door at 7 as a condition of their affiliation.
  12. Maybe we will soon get to watch Fighting Sioux hockey the way it was intended, in high definition!!!
  13. Personally, I thought they were doing it so that they don't give it the appearance of a regional conference. I think they want to leave the doors open to expand with schools from around the US and possibly Canada (UBC maybe someday) as time goes by. Just my opinion.
  14. Your'e a "glass if half empty kinda guy" aren't you? This conference is going to be very exciting and is going to take the wind right out of the Big 10's sail. It sounds like they're building a strong foundation and have retained the services of the best consulting firms to help put a big media deal together. There is still a few cards left to be played but rest assured when it's all said and done we will be playing the highest level of hockey in the NCAA and everybody will pay notice. Cheer up, you're on the winning team!
  15. Faison denies that BC and BU were extended invitations, could there possibly be a school or two from Hockey East other than those two who were given a golden ticket? Perhaps Maine or Vermont, maybe even Connecticut? I'm sure Air Force was or is in talks with the NCHC.
  16. I really hope not, only two of those schools are worth adding. I'm sorry but SCSU and BGSU should not be up for consideration if we want to legitimately call ourselves a super-conference. BGSU might be a good add to strengthen UND's ties to the MAC, we might need options in the event that Montanan and Montana State bolt for the WAC.
  17. They made mention that four more schools may be trying to join. Other than Notre Dame and WMU, any speculation as to who they may be?
  18. WOW! We might actually get a good media contract out of this. The move is looking better and better!
  19. It's happened to me before, no worries
  20. Even without Notre Dame (which I strongly suspect will be joining Hockey East) this new conference will be fierce. I'm guessing if they do go HE we will probably stop at 6 teams instead of raiding the WCHA and CCHA for two more. Does anybody know if Fasion and other AD's are reaching out to schools like KU, Iowa State, Texas, and California to see if they might have an interest in starting up a D1 team. Iowa State's club team has done very well for themselves and might be the strongest of the bunch to make a jump. I think staying at 6 (assuming Notre Dame doesn't see the light) would at least leave opportunity for large BCS schools to join a conference their fans would respect.
  21. First off let me say that it is refreshing to meet a troll who is not a Bison fan. Secondly, the schools in this conference have a strong and passionate fan base and the majority of which are located in decent sized media markets (Omaha, Denver, and Colorado Springs). Third, the leftover teams in the WCHA will have a much easier time competing for league championships and NCAA tournament berths. Fourth, this conference will most definitely attract high end recruits who want to play in the most competitive league in the NCAA. Last, this conference will kick the t-total !@$! out of any Big 10 team and will dominate the NCAA tournaments.
  22. After next season, I believe that all games will be available for streaming at www.bigskyconf.com (for free) and for the most part you can catch radio webcasts athttp://www.961thefox.com/main.html Also, I believe you can watch most televised UND sporting events at www.fightingsioux.com (but you have to pay for membership). Hope this helps!
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