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Everything posted by IrishSiouxFan

  1. Why is it ridiculous to think that UND would not be a desirable institution for a conference like the WAC to add. They're not exactly shooting for the stars during their latest expansion, other than geographical location I would think that UND would be a very attractive candidate. I could care less about Al Carlson, he thought he was giving the people what they wanted instead of giving them what they needed, he's negligent not evil.
  2. What's your problem? Do you have nothing better to do than to express your negative feelings towards UND? Seriously man, it's pathetic.
  3. That's your prerogative, and for a while that is exactly what will happen. But as time goes bye and people come and go UND will have established a new identity over a period of time. It will be and should be up to future generations to decide the best way to honor or school, as they will see it to new heights we only dreamed of.
  4. Kelly has already assured everyone that we will not revert back to the Flicker Tail logo (Thank God!).
  5. I do know one thing for certain, I don't want UND to adopt the nickname Rough Riders. Here's why http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=rough%20rider
  6. I agree with you, I personally would like nothing more than to never have another nickname here at UND. However, 10-20 years from now when we've become a national powerhouse and are playing in a league like the Big 12 or MWC I might not be as resistant to a new generation of UND fans taking ownership and putting their own spin on it.
  7. They did send out a letter early this year when the bill was going through legislature saying that they would be watching and were concerned about the outcome. THey probably waited for the Big Sky meeting to talk about it officially and I'm sure Kelly did little to justify the continuos use of the sioux logo. There are even rumors circulating that the new men's and women's hockey jersey will be void of the logo and will simply say North Dakota on the front.
  8. I love the nickname and see nothing wrong with it. But, even with the tribes blessing it will be an ongoing controversy with a constant whining from PC liberal crybabies. If there is one positive to dropping the nickname besides Big Sky play it would be not having to hear the non-sense these overly sensitive whack jobs spew out on a daily basis.
  9. It just feels wrong, UND being called something else is blasphemous to me. I would rather just be UND. It may be necessary to abandon the Sioux name to save the athletic program but it's going to leave a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths, mine included. Just give us time to grieve and accept it.
  10. I think what he is saying is, no nickname (for at least a period of time)= and there will be less resistance from Sioux nickname supporters. I feel the same way, why must we rush head first into a new nickname, it is an unnecessary evil.
  11. I'm just saying it would be a lot more national exposure for UND in the WAC than the BSC, even with there television deal weakened. I also think that the Montana's would think about joining more seriously with us already in. Think about it win 6 games and we go to a bowl. We most likely will not get an invite, but there are definite advantages to be considered.
  12. The problem with that is they could choose the best nickname on the planet and people here will absolutely hate it, we should at least wait 6-10 years before moving on. Look at Ole Miss, they gave hardcore supporters an appropriate amount of time to grieve before beginning the search for a replacement. I wish there were someway to change the Sioux logo for all sports with the exception of men's hockey (that's where it will hurt the most to see it's absence)
  13. I think if they took out the seats in the Alerus and replaced them with bleachers it might be possible to squeeze 15,000 plus in that facility. It would at least buy us time rebuild the Memorial stadium.
  14. I feel the same way, if we can't be the Sioux then we should just be the University of North Dakota.
  15. I know we have discussed the pros and cons of UND in a depleted WAC, but I think if given the opportunity we should bolt. True the WAC is not what it once was but it will still have a lot more media coverage than the Big Sky, I'm not above watching games on ESPN3 and occasionally on a Thursday night on ESPN2.
  16. Rumors are floating around message boards in support of UND getting a WAC invite. http://mbd.scout.com/mb.aspx?s=451&f=2368&t=7587800
  17. The main thing that I loved about the Fighting Sioux logo was that it was entirely unique. There are a lot of institutions using the same the logo and mascots like the Huskies, Eagles, Trojans, Aggies, and Bison. But only one Fighting Sioux, it set us apart and said that we are a university worthy of our own personal identity. I agree with you, that keeping the logo could very possibly spell certain doom for UND athletics. However, could we forego a nickname and logo for a period of time in order to find something unique and worthy of UND? Just my opinion.
  18. We live in uncertain times at UND, with Big Sky membership in jeopardy and the negative impact that the BTHC will have on the WCHA the future seems bleak. I hate that we must sacrifice our past to secure our future but there appears to be no other alternative, my only fear is that the administration will choose a nickname that is already being used by a dozen other institutions. We are very proud of our school and our athletic programs we deserve an identity unique to only us.
  19. From what I understand Montana was the main reason we got an invite. They were extremely unhappy with being in a conference with institutions they had nothing in common with academically. There might be a few presidents out there unhappy with the UND invite but they would have been a lot unhappier in a BSC without Montana.
  20. I'm an adement nickname supporter but this is bad. I wonder what it will take to get back on the road to retirement? There is way too much to lose here.
  21. I know Alice as well, and everything you say is true. I wish that they could found another way to release her from her employment (retirement, head a special committee, ect...) I do think we need too concentrate on quality of students over quantity and maybe her models were not in line to make that objective a reality. We are a great institution, far greater than our neighbors to the south of us.
  22. Alice Hoffert was actually one of my mentors at UND, we would sit and talk about issues facing the world of higher education once a month for about an hour. She is an extremely intelligent well read lady who stays up to date on everything. She doesn't always say the most popular things and I think her reluctance to be a "yes man" has ultimately lead her dismissal. I think that it is horrible the way she was treated, she deserved at the very least the opportunity to retire or resign. Someone in her position that has dedicated 37 years of her existence should have been given the courtesy of bowing out gracefully. I have heard rumors that because she was terminated she is not eligible to her retirement benefits, if this is true the Kelley administration should be absolutely ashamed (I haven't confirmed that she wont receive them). I thank her for her 37 years of dedication to the institution we all love and take pride in, Alice Hoffert I solute you!
  23. I'm not a Vancouver fan but I believe that this is their year to hoist the Stanley Cup. I'm hoping for a long and drawn out series so I can have as much hockey as possible to tide me over until NFL preseason (barring a lockout).
  24. My apologies, I just now noticed your site is dedicated to game worn jerseys. All I have is a bunch jerseys worn to a game Sorry about that.
  25. I'm sure my collection isn't as impressive as yours but I would happy to share!
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