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Everything posted by IrishSiouxFan

  1. Wrong, Notre Dame, UND, Denver, WMU, and Miami are all tier one universities with an emphasis on research and academic excellence. This why everyone is perplexed as to why St. Cloud got an invite.
  2. Is it possible for the NCHC to retract it's invitation to St. Cloud if Notre Dame were to jump on board?
  3. I don't know, I kinda enjoyed our yearly ritual of starting off the season by kicking the t-total crap out of our northern neighbors up in Manitoba. Can't hardly wait for Fighting Sioux hockey to consume my Friday and Saturday nights!
  4. I'm not surprised that a troll like you is loving that the NCHC is already showing signs of desperation by adding SCSU. This was a bad move that will come back to haunt the National (if you can honestly call it that).
  5. Are you just a Sioux hockey season ticket holder? I'm not, I'm also a student and soon to be alumni and "like institutions" very much matter to me and my credentialing. We were lead to believe that the NCHC would be an elite league comprised of fierce competition and strong academic standards (with exception to UNO), now it looks desperate with no room or appeal for expansion for larger schools who are considering the pros and cons of adding D1 hockey. The NCHC can insist that that SCSU make upgrades to their facilities and spend more money on their program but what can they honestly do to raise SCSU academic prestige? Nothing. Schools like Notre Dame, Texas, Iowa State, and California are now less likely to join our party now that we have a turd in the punchbowl.
  6. That's the spirit, think small. With the right marketing behind it I believe college hockey could be a very viable sport for certain regions in the US and Canada. I thought that's what the NCHC was trying to do, to increase the visibility of the sport through new marketing techniques.
  7. You forgot to mention SCSU in on that trade (must have been in the fine print). How on Earth does St. Cloud help us generate enough interest to get a major tv deal? It seems like we are now moving backwards rapidly, I kinda wish UND would have gone independent we are one of the few programs that could and make it profitable.
  8. That's a great ideal! I'm definitely doing that, should we send them to the other AD's in the NCHC as well. If so, could someone post the contact info? We should blow there email up with protest about this before it's official.
  9. I wonder if UND could get a spot in Hockey East?
  10. I agree, this news almost makes you want UND to go independent. What's the point of the NCHC? We are virtually playing in the same conference we were but with Miami and WMU added, this defies all logic.
  11. I gave you my +1 for the day to even out the negative rep point unjustly given to you. Sioux fans should never give other Sioux fans negative rep points for hating on the Bison.
  12. Maybe if we were in the same conference as NDSU I would root for the Bison (that's a big maybe) but I can't help but feel that if NDSU does pull off the upset it won't be good for UND in terms of winning over state support for the football program. I know this a big deal for Bison fans but Minnesota isn't a true rival for you guys like they are for UND, the atmosphere will lack the hostility that a Sioux/Gopher game would have. NDSU has a good team this year and could easily pull off a BCS upset but I can't honestly say I'm rooting for you guys.
  13. My parents are coming up from Nashville and they really want to see a Fighting Sioux hockey game (they watch all the home games on cable back in TN). I would prefer to get Saturday tickets in the lower bowl but I could do Friday. If anybody has tickets for this game please shoot me a PM. Thanks!
  14. There are several teams I would rather see join the NCHC before St. Cloud. Surely the NCHC isn't serious about picking SCSU over Bowling Green, at least BGSU adds a national championship to the NCHC's record not to a mention a bigger name and better academics.
  15. I think Notre Dame got wind of the possibility of Texas A&M moving to the SEC and all the realignment aftermath that comes with it and that's why they haven't made a commitment to a conference. If the super conferences come to fruition they will most likely have no other choice other than to join the Big 10 and would end up playing hockey in that conference. I think that due to Baylor and other Big 12 schools blocking A&M that Notre Dame will not choose a conference until next summer. Just my opinion, I could be totally wrong.
  16. Not true. I'm originally from Nashville, when I go home I see people wearing UND t-shirts and hats. When I go to Predators games and wear my Sioux jersey I'm constantly hearing Go Sioux from people as well as catching hell from Gopher and Badger fans. Also, I went to Vegas and Chicago not to long ago and saw at least ten people wearing Fighting Sioux merchandise. Plus we are constantly getting shout outs on NHL broadcasts and in NHL video games. Football is king but hockey has been extremely kind to us and as the NHL continues to gain popularity in the US, UND will only get stronger and stronger.
  17. That sucks, I was hoping we would move closer to the top 100 this time around. NDSU moved up quite a few spots since the last rankings.
  18. So your solution is for UND to drop its biggest money making, attention getting sport and move to the NAIA? Spoken like a true Bison fan with penis envy.
  19. I wonder if we could ever land someone like Jim Tressel? He would be expensive, but I'm sure he could build us a legacy. Just a thought.
  20. Mussman is probably a really nice guy but he's definitely not going to lead UND to greatness. If we can't have a huge stadium can we at least have a coach with a set?
  21. For starters, I am a student (Doctoral), I attend just about every sporting event on campus, and I donate roughly $1,000 per year towards athletics (would like to do more but a man can only give what he has). I can tell that I'm out gunned here and that everybody but me is fine with the Alerus as the permanent home of UND football, I guess I should be grateful that at least we have hockey and we are definitely king of the mountain of that.
  22. You're right JohnBoy lets continue to keep the status quo and our expectations low. Lets dream about big game days with 13,500 people getting loud in a poorly designed concrete box off of the interstate. That may have been fine 10 years ago at the D2 level but that dog won't hunt at the D1 FCS and FBS level. I can't believe it's this difficult to sell the idea of better facilities to the fans of a flag ship institution. Come on guys where's your school spirit at?
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