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Everything posted by IrishSiouxFan

  1. This is embarrassing, we can do so much better than 847 votes Why isn't the UND associated social media pages, or the institution doing anything to get people to vote. We could win this thing easily, or at least blow NDSU out of the water.
  2. There are over 47,000 fans on the Fighting Sioux fan page, we could own this competition already if everyone would just vote once.
  3. Just voted and posted a link to my FaceBook page!
  4. I believe the NCAA wrote a letter to all NCAA schools encouraging them not to exclude UND for their schedules and that they were happy with the direction UND was going and felt that the legislature would over turn the law. I don't believe the NCAA is out to destroy UND, theyre just enforcing a stupid policy (only on select institutions).
  5. No class at all over at Akron!
  6. Happy Turkey Day Sioux Fans!!!
  7. Who's the big face of behind the Montana's goal?
  8. I'll be there!
  9. Is the game this week?
  10. I have seen the seal on several different forms of UND merchandise at the bookstores and online (clothes, playing cards, drinking glasses, diploma mats, etc...). I'm not sure it would be a state issue for the seal to appear on the jersey, the Native American imagery within the seal may raise red flags with the NCAA and overly sensitive nickname opponents.
  11. Honestly, look at basketball shoes in today's market, they are ugly as sin but yet people (kids, young adults) camp out to buy them. I'm sure marketing research shows that people who buy merchandise like football jerseys are not in our demographic and that's why the designs do not appeal to our generation(s). I do like the idea of having a UND "black out" jersey, our schools "Kelly Green" and white look really good on a black jersey (as proven on our hockey jerseys). If anything were to change about the football jerseys I would hope that it would be including the players name on the back (they deserve that much). I think the main concern will be, what do our re-designed hockey jerseys look like without the logo and will anybody want to buy one?
  12. What do you guys think about the possibility of restructuring the BCS system so that every team no matter the conference can have a shot at the title? http://espn.go.com/college-football/story/_/id/7248953/bcs-proposes-only-handling-national-championship-game-sources-say
  13. In terms of a Sun Belt raid, I'm thinking they go after Florida International, North Texas, and possibly Middle Tennessee.
  14. It's merely a slap on the wrist, still better than nothing (just barely) when considering the seriousness of what transpired. I honestly feel that Penn State should have all of their athletic programs (excluding club level) suspended for at least ten years for what happened at their institution. It seems only appropriate.
  15. First off, you're not fooling anybody Lakes. Second, the Sioux logo won't be apart of the university or on licensed merchandise but it will most certainly always be in the chants. It's called the freedom of speech and neither you or the NCAA can ever take that away from us.
  16. Technically, alcohol is a drug. So under your logic alcohol is not socially acceptable either because it is a drug. I wonder how many people over dosed from smoking pot last year? Oh yeah, nobody. I wonder how many people died from alcohol poisoning and related accidents last year? Around 75,000. I honestly don't smoke pot, I just think it's ridiculous to spend so much time and money fighting something that is virtually harmless.
  17. Finally, we agree on something I can't believe it's the 21st century and we still waste time and resources making sure people do not use a harmless, natural stimulant like marijuana.
  18. Yeah, I'm not sure what the correlation between being gay and being a child rapist is. Either Lakes is a bigot or he's struggling with his own Sandusky like demons (it's probably both).
  19. I had thought of that possibility, if the Big Ten were to vote to have Penn State removed from their conference it would have a direct impact on Big Ten hockey.
  20. I wonder what types of sanctions (if any) Penn state will suffer from the NCAA and the Big 10? If the NCAA would consider suspending or excluding a school from its organization over academic, financial, or recruitment violations, what would they do to an institution for covering for a serial child molester and made it possible for more children to be sexually assualted?
  21. Anything would be better than the interlocking ND. It's too closely identified with Notre Dame, we deserve our own identity. Maybe now is a good time as ever to go back to the drawing board and design a new UND logo.
  22. I would rather have the flame logo on it than the interlocking ND.
  23. Might not be necessary the way our team has been playing this season thus far.
  24. This story speaks volumes on how many institutions put the needs of the athletic department before the needs of people. Absolutely disgusting what happened!
  25. Last time I checked your precious Gophers don't exactly produce high level athletic programs, you should tone it down a notch.
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